It's Common Sense to hate Sega?

It's Common Sense to hate Sega?

what an ignorant freak....

"I guess its because most Sega fans are from europe and we all know how stuck up people from that place are. I hope someone eventually runs for president who wants to launch all of our bombs at europe."

I'm not even from Europe and I think that is the stupidest thing I have read in quite a while.

Also, can he make his site ANY HARDER TO READ? I didn't read much of it cause my eyes hurt so bad.

Also I'm sick of people making such a big deal Sega being such a "Failure" because all their systems weren't commerical successes. That's their only real complaint.

How one sided can you be?
It's Common Sense to hate Sega?

I don't get it. If someone hates sega so much, why dedicate a site to them. Thats freakin retarted.
It's Common Sense to hate Sega?

It never crossed your minds that the site just might be a wind-up? And Cloud121, have you ever heard the expression "pot, kettle, black?"
It's Common Sense to hate Sega?

Nope, never heard that expression before. Wait... I might've, I just never knew what it meant..... 😛
It's Common Sense to hate Sega?

you probably did, I just used it against jurai a couple days ago 😉

He's probably a closet segasexual.
It's Common Sense to hate Sega?

What's one of those? :smash

That crappy site wasted 2 of my minutes. I should launch a bomb at the site :damn:
It's Common Sense to hate Sega?

Hmm...I actually think the guy takes himself pretty seriously. I think he's trying to be some kind of Dr Phil/Michael Moore type, or something...
It's Common Sense to hate Sega?

Originally posted by racketboy@Nov 30, 2003 @ 05:59 AM

Also I'm sick of people making such a big deal Sega being such a "Failure" because all their systems weren't commerical successes. That's their only real complaint.

I also hate that argument. If you just don't like the style of games they make I can accept that, but just because something isn't a commercial success doesn't mean it sucks.

Betamax was generally considered superior to VHS. But which one won.

Also about Sega abandoning their consoles. If a console is losing your company more and more money every day would you:

1) continue to produce the console and lose more money


2) Realise the consoles situation will not improve and stop producing it in order to stay in business.

I know which one I would choose.
It's Common Sense to hate Sega?

Here's a guy looking for attention..

..And here's a whole line of people willing to give it to him.
It's Common Sense to hate Sega?

FOr one, if u hated SEGA.....why put in all this effort to try and convince people? I just dont understand why sumone would do it. Obviously he has WAY too much time on his hands, but whatever. Just hope noone ever gives him attention.......I guess sumone who lives near him can go beat him up using one of those mean SMS pads....
It's Common Sense to hate Sega?

Originally posted by BJammzz@Nov 30, 2003 @ 07:36 PM

I guess sumone who lives near him can go beat him up using one of those mean SMS pads....

Or the limited edition Rez vibrator...hehe...yeah...

Sega-hating dumbass, should do something baking pies for nursing home patients.
It's Common Sense to hate Sega?

lol, what a great site.... NOT... wtf man, he is angry about something, looks like someone needs a hug :slap :slap :lol: :huh :huh
It's Common Sense to hate Sega?

I like this:

Big deal. I could stick a washing machine in my car. Is that innovation? Innovation is teaching a dog new tricks, not teaching a dog more tricks.

Isn't that the same thing, sort of? I don't know, just thought it was funny when I read it.
It's Common Sense to hate Sega?

Originally posted by Resident_Lurker@Dec 2, 2003 @ 03:34 AM

I like this:

Big deal. I could stick a washing machine in my car. Is that innovation? Innovation is teaching a dog new tricks, not teaching a dog more tricks.

Isn't that the same thing, sort of? I don't know, just thought it was funny when I read it.

yeah it gives new meaning to the word oxyMORON
It's Common Sense to hate Sega?

Originally posted by racketboy@Nov 30, 2003 @ 12:59 AM

"I guess its because most Sega fans are from europe and we all know how stuck up people from that place are. I hope someone eventually runs for president who wants to launch all of our bombs at europe."

Actually it's a good idea. Because if USA will bomb Europe, Europe will destroy both Americas, pro and anti US Asians will start guerilla wars. Australia and NZ will hopefully atack Japan and Camerun, African nations will declare war against Nato, people in Antarctida will launch biological weapons against people in Arctic and so on and so on!

I really like Mad Max 2, both Fallouts and the obscure movie from 1975 "A Boy and his Dog". And all this goodnes will come upon us thanks to SEGA 🙂

Just kidding!