It's finally getting cold here


Established Member
It's finally getting cold here

This morning I could actually see my breath and it's was nice and chilly at night.

Finally I don't have to run the air conditioning. And (I know this sounds geeky) my PC temps are way down 😀

Anybody else glad to have cool weather?
It's finally getting cold here

Uh... I don't really know how to take that.... Hopefully you didn't mean that in a sexual conotone....
It's finally getting cold here

It's beginning to warm up over here in OZ. Forecasted 28° for tomorrow! I like the heat 😎
It's finally getting cold here

I'm really looking forward to Summer too. 😀

It's been raining for quite some time in Melbourne, but we do need it.
It's finally getting cold here

Welcome to the great nation of Canada where it gets freaking cold freaking fast. It went from being a decently warm fall day on sunday at 20C (68F for you yanks) to half a foot of snow and -10C two days later (14F)

Luckily it warmed up enough to melt the snow to allow the water to spread out before freezing, leaving the sidewalks and roads prefectly icy.

Sucked to be kids going trick or treating tonight, t'was annoyingly cold out 🙁

I bet I could overclock this suckker good with no coolant worries though... but would it melt my igloo? :huh:


Edit: I think the online site I used for Celcius to Farenheit conversion was off... but Farenheit is a dumb system anyway so just lean Celcius. Or Kelvins.
It's finally getting cold here

basing numbers on 10 is the work of the devil

And besides, we tried that in the eighties, rememeber? Yeah and we all know how well that worked out.
It's finally getting cold here

It's a sunny 30F here in Denver. The windows on my girlfriend's car were coated with a solid sheet of ice last night. Looked like stained glass. I've seen that happen out east, but it's pretty rare here. The weather here is pretty unpredictable as well. Seems like it always gets cold on Halloween though.
It's finally getting cold here

Originally posted by Gallstaff@Nov 2, 2003 @ 04:43 AM

And besides, we tried that in the eighties, rememeber?

You remember the 80's? :lol:
It's finally getting cold here

The 80's were the best fucking decade EVER!

Music, Movies, Video Games (actually, not until 1989 in the games case 😉), Prono, Girls, you name it, it was better in the 80's! 😀 :bow :thumbs-up:
It's finally getting cold here

Yes the girlies was fine in the eighties. I like big hair, shut up. I also like leatards with belts and la gear hightops (which I own a pair of)
It's finally getting cold here

Yeah, but there's a difference between looking back at the eighties and remembering the eighties. Cloud, you would have been about 4 by the time the nineties rolled around and Gallstaff would have been about 2.

That makes me feel so old... :smokin:
It's finally getting cold here

Well, I'm old enough to remember the eighties, and I would say that girls are much hotter today than they were back then. Just watch some movies from that time period if you don't believe me, and look at the women _other_ than the leading lady. 😉 .. I guess there's no accounting for taste though.
It's finally getting cold here

Hehe, my 1986 tour shirt of van halen just came in the mail today. Its not a rep either, it's really one that is from the 1986 tour.

It's finally getting cold here

_I_ had big hair in the eighties and I'm a dude. LOL. Wish I'd have discovered the pleasures of a buzz cut much sooner 😉