Its good to be back

Hey all! Sorry if this posts in the wrong place. Feel free todo with it what you will...........

Finally got round to getting another Saturn, and it was great to find this awesome site!!

Had one of these beauties about 5 years ago, complete with all the bells and whistles (multitap, 4-in-one, 3d controller, guns etc etc etc) and about 40-50 games but when I got divorced my ex nicked it all and won't give it back :damn: Yep, she sure is a :devil !!

Finally gave up and bought another one (and a lotta games and accs)....happy as a pig in shit!

Also got this one ModChipped...sweet!!! Thank god for SatConv, eMule, CDR and Radiant Silvergun lol.

Finding the rest of your forums on modding both very helpful and tempting....Keep up the good work and thanks guys!!

The Saturn is simply too damn good to die!