JVC X'eye question

JVC X'eye question

Hello, as you can probably see I'm new. Anyway, after a long time of only having Nintendo consoles (save Game Gear) I decided I wanted to get some SEGA video game consoles. First I bought a badly damaged Saturn (stupid scammer), and my brother and I bought a Dreamcast, now I decided I wanted to get a Genesis. First, I wanted a full setup, but later I changed my mind.

First I wanted a SEGA CDX, I tried getting one on ebay, but I change my mind when I found out it doesn't have internal memory. Now I want a JVC X'EYE. The only thing I have a question about is wheter the 32x works with it, searching online, I found that it works, but needs to be held up by something like a piece of foam. I would like to know if anyone knows personally that the 32x works with an X'Eye. IF you can find a faq that would be better.
JVC X'eye question

The CDX does have internal memory. I got a Lunar 2 and Popful Mail saves in mine.

The 32X works with both the CDX and the X'eye, but you'll not get a perfectly comfortable fit on any of the two. But it works.
JVC X'eye question

Well thanks for the answers, sorry for posting this in the wrong forum. Maybe I will get an X'eye then, even if it doesn't have a portable CD function. (Well I heard it did from Sonic-cult).
JVC X'eye question

Well the CDX can be used as a portable CD player... but play sega games, nope. The 2 AA batteries aren't enough to powere that. Now if you could mod up a big Nimh battery to it and tossed a small low powered LCD screen on it (preferably a LED lit one). You would have one clunky ass portable Sega CD.

hrmm, that sounds like a cool idea, kinda like those portable DC's and PS's that guy used to make... he even wrote a book about it.

Anyways; this is nice to know about the X'eye. I didn't know that for sure, I was actually asking about it in IRC yesterday. Heh what luck.

I got lots of Saturns bro, if you want one I can sell you one all modded up and everything. Just PM me if you are interested.