Ladies and Gentlemen


Established Member
... the first screenshot of my port of Cloud121 to the Dreamcast!

I had a little trouble getting the AI core to compile at first, but once I linked to the AEN libraries it functioned perfectly. I think I can safely say that this is the most advanced AI program to be released on the DC so far. It may not pass the Turing test, but it does a VERY good job of emulating the target personality. And all this is achievable with only 2k of main program source code!


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  • cloudman.jpg
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You have made a mistake with your AI calculations.

Im not much of a programmer but I think that you forgot to put in this error checking code. You may have made the mistake of using "int" for clouds IQ instead of "char"

int main ()

char cloudIQ;

cloudIQ = 1; //note the use of 1 bit integers for clouds IQ

int x;

x = 70; //an IQ of 70 is considered below average


if (cloudIQ (x) < 70 )


printf ("AI does not seem to match subject "cloud121": %s\n", GetError());


return 0;


I think that this is right.
I bought a new keyboard on my own. You owe me 8 bucks.

You should have stuck with the toaster. At least the talking toaster doesn't cause me to be violently ill on sight.
There's something familiar about that, picture...that's SeaMan isn't it? That not your original work at all, you're a big phony! Hey everyone! This guy's a phony!
The part about being a phony was from tonight's episode of Family Guy. I mimic what I see on TV. But on a more serious note, why would anyone want to make a Cloud121 simulator, even joking? :lol: That would be the most annoying game since Barbie Scuba Diving.
Well, it would in fact be useful, because you could modify the parameteres and therefore change the frequency of mentioning GC, FF, etc.

I'm out of town for four days and I come back and I see this!

I absolutely, positively HATE YOU ALL! :lol:

What the hell do you mean by "What? Me worry?" in the screenshot!?!

Oh man.. I missed you all for four days, and now... ugh...

It kinda sucks just being the annoying little kid of the family... :sigh

Oh well, I still got you all beat in VF though, so I guess it evens out... :lol:

What the hell do you mean by all I'll talk about is FF, PS, and VF? I'll be too busy playing VF and watching Gundam! And I don't even talk about FF anymore! I only talk about FF when I'm comparing it to PS, and talking about how much greater PS is than FF!

Why do you always have to make fun of me? :lol: :sigh
Muhahaha. I was wondering if you were just ignoring the topic, or what. 😉

As for the "What, me worry?"... obviously you didn't read the part about linking to the AEN libraries.
Originally posted by it290@Aug 6, 2004 @ 03:49 PM

Muhahaha. I was wondering if you were just ignoring the topic, or what. 😉

As for the "What, me worry?"... obviously you didn't read the part about linking to the AEN libraries.

I read it, I'm still confused...