
I'm thinking of getting a laptop in a month or two and was wondering if anyone knew of a good site/store to get a laptop from, or had any recommendations?
IBM Thinkpads rocks for the most part.

But I'd also give a nod to Apple and Dell.

Support is very important for notebooks, so I would stay away from no-name brands.
HP == Compaq.

Toshiba are good. I've had mine coming up two years and it is problem free in every aspect including the LCD.
Thanks for the feedback, guys, and gal. I think I'm gonna shop around for a Toshiba, I've kinda got an all Toshiba entertainment center already. Woohoo for brand loyalty.
Originally posted by racketboy@Mar 18, 2004 @ 04:26 AM

Compaqs are evil for the most part

I haven't seen that in their laptops, but I have seen it several times in their desktops. Then again I can say that for a certain (cursed) Toshiba tower. Anything built with cheap parts (whether or not it comes with a TV tuner and remote) is going to be crappy.
maybe their higher end ones are better, but all the people I know that have bought their cheaper ones have had tons of problems -- some a month after buying them
Multi screen display with a laptop is nice but be sure to choose a model with an ATI or nVidia videocard.

Make sure It has all appropriate connections. Parrallele and serial ports are sometimes very usefull.And floppy could be usefull too.

I would recommend a DELL but I've never heard bad things about Toshiba ...

I own a cheap packard-bell and I'm not satisfied. My old P200 tower is better !

Oh ... and don't forget to take a laptop with dvdrom (it's always nice to see a movie on the train 🙂 )
It's a dead issue, but those new Dell Inspirons are crap. The Latitudes, even though same specs, are built better, but cost more. I love my Compaq Evo, and loved my Armada (before I stupidly sold it). I never had a Compaq desktop, so who knows.

Toshibas are good, but their Portege series seriously needs some technology updates. Same with IBM Thinkpads. They're still packing 16MB vid cards with their higher end machines! However they're pretty much 100% linux compatible.