LokiTorrent shut down.

For those who don't know, LokiTorrent was shutdown the other day by the MPAA.

The guy had to pay close to $1 Million and turn over the IP logs for what I would assume was recent activity on the site.
Originally posted by Sundance_3+Sat, 2005-02-12 @ 07:02 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Sundance_3 @ Sat, 2005-02-12 @ 07:02 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'>For those who don't know, LokiTorrent was shutdown the other day by the MPAA.

The guy had to pay close to $1 Million and turn over the IP logs for what I would assume was recent activity on the site.

[post=129591]Quoted post[/post]​


I saw the message on the main page, but this makes no sense, I didn't think they went to court over this yet. Unless the MPAA is some kind of totalitarian ruler over the exchange of data.

@Sat, 2005-02-12 @ 07:02 PM

and turn over the IP logs for what I would assume was recent activity on the site.

[post=129591]Quoted post[/post]​


I hope they don't go after everyone on that list. :unsure:
Apparently it was a Dallas court that made the ruling. My guess that this was probably in the courts back in January, and the fine/site-closure was enacted just recently.


I mean, seriously. Do they think we're all 5-year-olds?
I've never been into DLing movies.

I just get Blockbuster's Netflix-type service for $15 a month and then rip my DVDs and send them back the same day.

I've gotten around 20 DVDs this month easily.
Downloadmuch's site is even weirder. It's nearly the same as the lokitorrent content, but at the bottom it says 'MPAA sets the standards here'. Their gestapo-style tactics are probably pissing people off enough that they're generating more incentive to download movies, not less. I wonder, though, are they getting ownership of these domains as part of a settlement, or what?

edit - oh yeah, I'm sure you guys have seen those anti-piracy shpiels in the theaters. I saw one where the guy (I think he was a sound dude or something) was wearing a hat with a jolly roger on it. I thought that was fucking weird.
Originally posted by it290@Sun, 2005-02-13 @ 02:38 PM

I wonder, though, are they getting ownership of these domains as part of a settlement, or what?

[post=129639]Quoted post[/post]​

I was pondering this too. Well actually their, MuffTorrent is just a blank page... :unsure: ...what? Anyway hopefully that message will be there only until the end of this payment cycle, because domain hijacking is worse that a little movie piracy here and there.
bastards are trying to do the same to kazaa, supposedly the MPAA is trying to get IP lists from kazzaa, bastards...
i hate the MPAA because every single fucking movie that comes out breaks record sales. i mean they're always quick to be like hey we're the highest grossing film ever. 2nd every person who works in a theater can see movies for free. hell i went to see some of the highest grossing films recently because my friend worked in a theater all for free.

all i know is that fuck the fucking fat pigs fuck them hard. the rich in this country keep getting richer and the poor like me keep getting poorer. what the fuck are movies for? they're for temp releaving people from their normal lives. to take them away from their craptastic lives for an hour or two. i mean hell it costs like fucking 7 bucks to see a fucking movie yet i can buy enough food for 7 dollars to get by for a few days.

I can honestly say the last few years i haven't really wanted to see any movie. i've gone to see the lord of the rings movies for free with a friend and i've seen the ring with a girl(great movie to see in the theater with a girl but over all a crap movie).

Fuck the MPAA fuck them hard and if maybe they stop complaining about pirates they'd start sponsoring good movies. and as somebody said before

i could go and rent a movie and copy it to my computer(oh wait the Mpaa is trying to figh that also) if i wanted to.

all i know is i'm drunk and i hate the fact that the MPAA can be such a fucking muscle man when it comes to things. THE government is a puppet to the arms of business. viva la revolution.
almost all are gone and thank loki torrent and teh MPAA for all the nice pics in my profile i'm linking directly to them(is that a bad idea?)
Originally posted by racketboy+Sun, 2005-02-13 @ 02:24 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(racketboy @ Sun, 2005-02-13 @ 02:24 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'>I've never been into DLing movies.

I just get Blockbuster's Netflix-type service for $15 a month and then rip my DVDs and send them back the same day.

I've gotten around 20 DVDs this month easily.

[post=129638]Quoted post[/post]​


Blockbuster's online site is great, I'll be watching all the movies on my long list of movies to see by the end of next month. All the video stores around me are garbage, you can't find anything.

@Wed, 2005-02-16 @ 09:59 PM

almost all are gone and thank loki torrent and teh MPAA for all the nice pics in my profile i'm linking directly to them(is that a bad idea?)

[post=129867]Quoted post[/post]​


:lol: Serves them right for stealing Lowkee's site.