Looking for a Texas Hold-em proggy...


Established Member
Hey guys,

I'm addicted to Texas Hold-em. I wanna play on my pc, NOT FOR REAL MONEY, just for fun. Can you guys recommend a freeware program? Master Series Texas Hold-em is the only non-crap one I found so far, but it lets people bet into the negative values and it's limit hold-em.
Hmm, we were talking about this a few months ago in a thread someone started about hobbies/interests, I can't remember the names, but I dug up a couple of free programs that could be used for online play. Search for 'poker' and/or 'interests' and you'll probably find it.
I play on pokerroom.com

It's not too shabby... They only start you off with 1k, and let you refill that something like twice a day if you blow it all. I'm up a little over 200k though.
I saw a proggie for TX Hold Em on Geeknews.net a few weeks ago, just pop in there, and search for Texas Hold Em, that should help you out.
I like pokerroom.com, anybody know the laws regarding internet gambling? Anybody play for actual money online?