Mario Party 6


Staff member

Here are some more new screenshots of the upcomming Mario Party 6 for the Gamecube.

This game will have a December 6th release in the US and will feature 75 new mini games and 6 new boards.

Thanks to the Magic Box for the info.
Man, I gradually lost my love for the series.
Seriously, after MP II, I kinda got tired of it.
Not that to say it sucks when a lot of people here, but my friends are always gone most of the month, so I kinda wish that MP would have a solid first player mode or something.

Yeah, I know what you suckas are going to say, "MP is a multiplayer game you fool!!! Shut up!!!"

Suck my nuts son.
I got pisses after I bought Mario Party 4, 5 was already way into development. I think a DS version with online play would bring me back though 😀
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Player Bob)</div><div class='quotemain'>I think a DS version with online play would bring me back though[/quote]
You know, with this LAN connection stuff, I wonder if "walkers" will pick this stuff up; so like, when they walk to work or something, they'll pull out the DS and catch somebody near by and play with them until their out of range.
Ian Van Dahl said:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Player Bob)</div><div class='quotemain'>I think a DS version with online play would bring me back though
You know, with this LAN connection stuff, I wonder if "walkers" will pick this stuff up; so like, when they walk to work or something, they'll pull out the DS and catch somebody near by and play with them until their out of range.

You wouldn't be concentrating on where you walking - you'd probably bump into people :lol: