Do they have any DDR pads that have larger-sized arrow-"buttons"? My feet are bigger than the button contact areas.
So If I place my foot directly centered over the button, my heel ends up touching below the button contact area, and the ball of my foot touches above the button contact area, and thus it doesn't register my step.
If I place the ball of my foot directly on the center of the button, then the heel of my foot touches the X/O button below it. And there's some "feature" of DDR games that if you press the X/O button, it won't register the arrow button being pressed. So again it doesn't register my step.
Placing the heel of my foot directly center of thee button doesn't work well, since you usually target with the ball, and sometimes don't contact the heel.
So basically I always have to play DDR standing on my tippie-toes. It's a good calf workout. But it's a bit awkward.