Metal Gear Solid on Saturn

I don't know yet :borg:

Have you transformed Twisted Metal 3D models to Quads @nando ?
I started but it became apparent that it might be easier to just re-draw them from scratch rather than try a direct conversion. They are really simple anyway, at least the first game is. Most of the levels could be drawn with a couple hundred polygons and 1 VDP2 infinite plane.

Did you use any tools to make the conversion easier or did you draw them from scratch? One thing I actually found hard on PS1 stuff is there seems to be almost no homebrew scene - or at least it's even more obscure than the Saturn homebrew scene. I could have just been looking in the wrong places?

I did find the "Twisted Toolkit" which can export models and textures, and I did use that somewhat - but it was pretty buggy and crashed a lot, and I couldn't find a good way to convert the exported models into a Saturn format (maybe I need to try Blender again).
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I dumped the 3D Models of MGS from the PS1 version with Jayveer's tools. After that I used Blender, GIMP and XL2's great converter.
Did you try to directly rip assets from your Graphic Card?
I actually was able to export the textures juts fine. I'm going to try again to import it into Blender, I don't think I had tried that before.
Hello there!

I am progressing well on the second level of MGS
and I'm wondering if anyone has an idea for a VDP2's compatible solution that would use 1 or 2 layers (I want to keep one for the background) to achieve a snow effect equivalent to the particle system used in the PS1 version:

It doesn't need to be close or similar, just something that looks like falling snow in a cycle without generating too many calculations or consuming too much memory.
So if you have any ideas or can think of any Saturn/PS1 games with snow effects, I'm all ears.:beerchug:
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what background layers do you have available? you should be able to use slColorCalc() with CC_ADD (or CC_RATE, but I think _ADD will look better) on any BG layer that is available, and then scroll it. you could even do 2 layers and scroll them in different directions, which would be closer to what MGS looks like.

You can create a simple animation of show by dynamically changing palette.

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Thanks for your suggestion guys :beerchug:
16x16 tiles dynamically animated by changing palette seems a good way to achieve a non-rainy snow effect. To avoid too much repetition, maybe 4 differents tiles will be necessary and to break the up/down-line effect, a scrolling on X/Y at the same time :banana:
I did a quick test with a single tile

Transformed to gif

Tilled to 320x224

I'm not totally convinced :borg:
probably need a bigger tile, the "snow" is too close together? also, if you have 16 colors for palettes, you should be able to have 15 frames of animation?
Maybe differents tiles but seamless during one frames so they can be in a mixed mosaic. I could also merge/split snow pixel at some point to have less dense area but I don't know if it will look great.
The snow effect from FF6 intro looks great :rock:

More simple but not bad, the snow effect in Super Adventure Island II

Not a big fan but Sonic 3 has also a snow effect
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The snow effect from FF6 intro looks great :rock:

More simple but not bad, the snow effect in Super Adventure Island II

Not a big fan but Sonic 3 has also a snow effect

These all look like they use sprites. an option for sure, but you will use up more fill rate an CPU that way.