Quote: from Ruddygore on 5:37 pm on Jan. 18, 2002
That won't help because the game is not exactly the same on the saturn version, or the PSX version for that matter. I've played the PSX and the emu side by side and there are marked differences. I suppose if I auditioned each track and tried to deduce which was which I could manage but I'm tired of making coasters. The trouble is the disk just doesn't boot without the tracks being in the right place. I use the gameshark so there's no problem with country code, the game boots to the sega © screen [after disk swapping] and then hangs after that. I do believe it's searching for a proper audio track but it can't find it. There was also a warning on one of the ftp's that has the rip of MS that says the tracks are out of order but leaves no explaination as to how to fix it. Thanks for the suggestion though.