My VF Video for Japanese Class


Established Member
Hey guys! I'm finally ready to show you all my VF presentation I made for Japanese class!

Here's the deal:

We were supposed to make an audition tape for a reality show. I asked Sensei if I could make my own, and I created "The Next Great Virtua Champ" with Chibita as the trainer guy.

Hope you guys enjoy it! :thumbs-up:

The Next Great Virtua Champ - Low Quality (10.4 MB)

The Next Great Virtua Champ - High Quality (47.2 MB)

There are a couple problems with the video, that being, Lion's song comes on during the VF2 song, and ends befure it should. I fixed that up at school today, but I'm unable to upload the fixed version to Locke for now.


That's odd.

I'm uploading the new ones to Locke now. I'll let you know when they're both up.

LQ version upped. Uploading HQ version now.

You don't have permission to access /cloud/VF - on this server.


Apache/1.3.29 Server at Port 8009

BAH! Not again!

I got that error before!

Let me get Locke to fix it.

Okay! Error fixed, and I got the HQ version upped!

I try to avoid quicktime formats like the plague. I think WMP classic plays them though, so if I get a chance I'll try it out.
Originally posted by RolfWrenWalsh@Oct 8, 2004 @ 01:12 PM

So, any of you guys watch it yet?

[post=120598]Quoted post[/post]​

Not yet.

My crappy PC at work runs Win95 (not for much longer!) and the Quicktime install is fuxorred.
You are a pretty good Virtua Fighter player! omedeto!

Do you play with joystick or horrible pad?
You'd certainly kick my ass in VF... but i dont play the game.

i will say though, you SOUND and LOOK more grown up then i had expected.
Originally posted by Des-ROW@Oct 8, 2004 @ 03:23 AM

You are a pretty good Virtua Fighter player! Omedetou!

Do you play with joystick or horrible pad?

[post=120611]Quoted post[/post]​

Des! I'm glad you enjoyed my movie. :wub:

I play with a pad, although I've been meaning to get a stick for awhile.

I will say though, you SOUND and LOOK more grown up then i had expected.

Heh... Thanks! I appreciate it! 🙂

What were you expecting? :lol:
Your a decent player and use a few of the combos I use. From the vid I'd say your probably better at playing as Sarah then me, but I still reckon I could take you on with Aoi or Wolf.

And as lordofduct said you look a lot more grown up then I expected as well.

Given how I turn eighteen in ninteen days, how old did you think I look? Same with my sound....

Interesting how you guys think I look and sound older than my current age.

Actually, everyone says that.
What grade did you get on this?

No offense I mean, your vf skills are excellent, but it seems like the project itself was just an excuse to show you playing virtua fighter.
Originally posted by Gallstaff@Oct 10, 2004 @ 10:59 PM

What grade did you get on this?

No offense I mean, your vf skills are excellent, but it seems like the project itself was just an excuse to show you playing virtua fighter.

[post=120737]Quoted post[/post]​

Yea, cuz you definately couldn't understand 1/3rd of the actual japanese spoken, and all the text was in english.
My guess was a B. I actually think my grade went up a bit, due to my making it in iMovie and all. *Shrug*

Sensei said he'd have to dock me, due to my lack of speaking and information. So yeah, you could kinda say it was an excuse to show me playing VF.

I would just like to take this oppertunity to say, wow.

... the project itself was just an excuse to show you playing virtua fighter.

[post=120737]Quoted post[/post]​

It can't be worse than a videogames tv show from argentina I occasionally see (nivel X)... :puke:
This is what I'm saying:

Watashi wa Diran Shimito desu. Virtua Fighter ga suki desu. Mainichi shimasu. Mainichi renshiyuu shimasu. Watashi wa Sara toiu kiyarakuta ga suki desu. Watashi wa Chibita no fan desu. Itsuki ka Chibita to Virtua Fighter o shimasu. Chibita to tatakate katsuyo. Korekara Virtua Fighter o shimasu. Mite kudasai.


I am Dylan Schmidt. I like Virtua Fighter. I play everyday. I practice everyday. I like the character called Sarah. I am a fan of Chibita. Someday, I will play Virtua Fighter with Chibita. I will fight Chibita and win! I am going to play Virtua Fighter. Please watch.

Pretty boring, but meh...
Originally posted by RolfWrenWalsh@Oct 8, 2004 @ 04:18 PM


Given how I turn eighteen in ninteen days, how old did you think I look? Same with my sound....

Interesting how you guys think I look and sound older than my current age.

Actually, everyone says that.

[post=120635]Quoted post[/post]​

You should go to college here, then you could annoy me in person. 😱wned

:bow Midwest (sarcasm)