My VF Video for Japanese Class

Ummmm, is the VF4 gameplay similar to the VF1 32x one?

If yes, i can say that our skill for sahra are similar (personaly i make more combos but its quite risky each time).
Originally posted by RolfWrenWalsh@Oct 11, 2004 @ 01:52 AM

This is what I'm saying:

Watashi wa Diran Shimito desu. Virtua Fighter ga suki desu. Mainichi shimasu. Mainichi renshiyuu shimasu. Watashi wa Sara toiu kiyarakuta ga suki desu. Watashi wa Chibita no fan desu. Itsuki ka Chibita to Virtua Fighter o shimasu. Chibita to tatakate katsuyo. Korekara Virtua Fighter o shimasu. Mite kudasai.


I am Dylan Schmidt. I like Virtua Fighter. I play everyday. I practice everyday. I like the character called Sarah. I am a fan of Chibita. Someday, I will play Virtua Fighter with Chibita. I will fight Chibita and win! I am going to play Virtua Fighter. Please watch.

Pretty boring, but meh...

[post=120756]Quoted post[/post]​

That's pretty lame. I understood some of it for chrissakes!
I dont know, but im seriousily siding with cloud here for some reason. Highschool jap may be worthless; but it is credits towards graduating, covers the base for foreign language required for most universities, and can be enjoyable for those who dont have much access to the language. Being for Iowa after all, what little reliable source there is, what better then have an actual teacher. This way when he may get to a "sensei" or whatever that has something worth teaching, cloud will have the remedial stuff covered and is that much closer to actually learning the language.

Seriousily, don't smash what urge he has to fucking learn. So few americans have the urge to learn something other then the bare minimum. Im proud he has atleast any fucking interest in learning something.

[EDIT] oh and i just wanna add for anyone who wants to comment about what drove him to originally want to take the class. (Vid games and Des, just to get it out of the way. nevermind the fact they may not even be the original ambitions) But what ever originally gave him the ambition is mute. What drove me to originally even go to school as a child (playing doctor in the back of the classroom) does not discredit my going to school.
Originally posted by lordofduct@Oct 11, 2004 @ 10:04 PM

I dont know, but im seriousily siding with cloud here for some reason. Highschool jap may be worthless; but it is credits towards graduating, covers the base for foreign language required for most universities, and can be enjoyable for those who dont have much access to the language. Being for Iowa after all, what little reliable source there is, what better then have an actual teacher. This way when he may get to a "sensei" or whatever that has something worth teaching, cloud will have the remedial stuff covered and is that much closer to actually learning the language.

Seriousily, don't smash what urge he has to fucking learn. So few americans have the urge to learn something other then the bare minimum. Im proud he has atleast any fucking interest in learning something.

[EDIT] oh and i just wanna add for anyone who wants to comment about what drove him to originally want to take the class. (Vid games and Des, just to get it out of the way. nevermind the fact they may not even be the original ambitions) But what ever originally gave him the ambition is mute. What drove me to originally even go to school as a child (playing doctor in the back of the classroom) does not discredit my going to school.

[post=120807]Quoted post[/post]​

US public schools are a joke, you don't learn anything there even if you are motivated. From my own experience foreign language classes are particulary bad. I could've learned as much Spanish from an introductory website as I did in 3 years of classes.

Why not go through my pathetic excuse for a school schedule?

English 4/British Literature - We read books and write cookie cutter essays on positive/negative traits of characters in said books.

Gym - Another vital class that you need four years of to graduate.

Economics - I get to listen to a pinko-communist fairy boy teach us about neanderthal-level trading

Science/Zoology - I get to play with animals



I encourage everyone to drop out of school.
This way when he may get to a "sensei" or whatever that has something worth teaching, cloud will have the remedial stuff covered and is that much closer to actually learning the language.

I'm completely confused right there...

oh and i just wanna add for anyone who wants to comment about what drove him to originally want to take the class. (Vid games and Des, just to get it out of the way. nevermind the fact they may not even be the original ambitions)

I'll admit it, video games were a bit of a reason as to why I've been taking the class. But really, it was due to my fascination with Japan, and it's culture and everything.

I started the class Freshman year of High School. I'm a senior now, and am in Japanese IV. So no, Des was not an inspiration to take it. I've been taking Japanese for nearly as long as I've been here at SX, so I hadn't met Des yet.

Locke was asking me as to why I only did those simple sentences. Why? Because I don't study that much. If I actually studied these last three years, I'd have been saying a lot more than that in the video. I'm actually studying this year.
I actually wasn't bashing Cloud for taking Japanese. It's a damn hard language. I'm just saying, HS Japanese is a joke because even though they have more time than college classes, they teach like 1/5th of the material. :/
I agree mostly with what you said Skank. Although the "joke" part isn't quite true, as it can be used as a launching pad for further studies.

I plan to continue studying Japanese well after I graduate this year.
'I agree mostly with what you said Skank. Although the "joke" part isn't quite true, as it can be used as a launching pad for further studies." -cloud

launching pad... perfect words for it. exactly what i was trying to say. Also dud, motivation is highly required. Im not a genious, im as intelligent as most the people i know. But I had a much easier time in school and got much higher grades with little effort. I pay this all the fact i was motivated and interested in learning things. I then payed attention in class and read the text book while listening to notes. I then went home and got obliterated out of my mind on name the drug. I did everything just short of heroine. But i stayed motivated enough to make up for the days of school i missed (131 days in my freshman year) and hold a fucking A B average, graduate with a 3.4 and most of laugh in my principals face as i was one of the 20 students in a school of 3000 to get strait A's all of the 99'-00' year and get a free trip to disney for a weekend. Dumb bitch saw that i was going though and placed us in groups. me with little snitches who refused to let me smoke cigarettes and force me to visit the fucking hebrew crap at epcott till i went insane and flipped out screaming very mean things about the jewish religion. Then goosefooted my ass right out of the exhibit wailing hail hitler to every ky::cough:: the way out. Not that i have a problem with them, i just got pissed and new the best way to tick a motherfucker off so i could get my revenge.

Wow, sorry i went on a tangent there didnt i.
Originally posted by mountaindud@Oct 11, 2004 @ 10:30 PM

US public schools are a joke, you don't learn anything there even if you are motivated. From my own experience foreign language classes are particulary bad. I could've learned as much Spanish from an introductory website as I did in 3 years of classes.
[post=120810]Quoted post[/post]​

Same here, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't do it. After all, if its a joke, it should be easy. You should get good grades, get scholarships, go to a nice college. Then you can start taking hard shit. That is all assuming you want to further your education. Otherwise, fine, drop out.
Originally posted by Alexvrb@Oct 13, 2004 @ 12:41 AM

Same here, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't do it. After all, if its a joke, it should be easy. You should get good grades, get scholarships, go to a nice college. Then you can start taking hard shit. That is all assuming you want to further your education. Otherwise, fine, drop out.

[post=120879]Quoted post[/post]​

I'll quit school after I finish highschool, only 6-7 months to go. I see no point in going to college.
The big problem with US public schools is that any academic matter is secondary to learning to conform. The design and administration of most US public schools comes from an authoritarian tradition and it seems to result in a crappy learning experience for all but the few who have no problem conforming to expectations exactly. You'll generally get better grades on an essay by regurgitating your textbook than by actually engaging your brain and writing something insightful. And if your textbook has false information (which is probably more common than you think, especially for history books), pointing it out is not likely to do you any good with your teacher even though you've really done something commendable. It's a sad state of affairs, and I wish I could point to some kind of quick fix, but I don't think there is one.
Originally posted by ExCyber@Oct 13, 2004 @ 09:45 AM

And if your textbook has false information (which is probably more common than you think, especially for history books), pointing it out is not likely to do you any good with your teacher even though you've really done something commendable. It's a sad state of affairs, and I wish I could point to some kind of quick fix, but I don't think there is one.

[post=120893]Quoted post[/post]​

Have you read The Language Police by Diane Ravitch? It talks more about special interest groups and a revisionist history than it does about factual inaccuracies. Basically it says that textbook publishers are discouraged to write anything remotely biased against any group (sans European whites) no matter how accurate it is. Such an approach makes learning about the struggles of people throughout time (including the present) almost impossible, and paints a really rosy picture of history.
The few non-gushing reviews on Amazon make me a little wary of the author's motives. It sounds suspiciously like a "whites are the new minority" polemic in disguise. So far I've found John Taylor Gatto's work pretty interesting (though not without its own flaws).
Originally posted by ExCyber@Oct 13, 2004 @ 02:53 PM

The few non-gushing reviews on Amazon make me a little wary of the author's motives. It sounds suspiciously like a "whites are the new minority" polemic in disguise. So far I've found John Taylor Gatto's work pretty interesting (though not without its own flaws).

[post=120902]Quoted post[/post]​

I wouldn't take it that far. Far be it from me to say minorities, women, and disabled people haven't and don't contribute to our society. But really, our textbooks seem biased against certain groups because our history was biased against certain groups. To paint a rosy picture of everyone getting along negates some of the effects of the powerful struggles for civil rights and equal treatment throughout time.

As I mentioned before, of course everyone from all walks of life contributed. But I think you'll agree, whether fair or not, America's (and largely the world's) history was mostly shaped and controled by white men from Europe. I guess there's no way to say that without sounding at least a tad bit sexist or ethno centric. But I think you get what I'm driving at. White people aren't victims because of these changes, but the potential to lose some true perspective of history exists. And you have to remember this is talking about trends and when things go way too far. It's not against broadening the scope of history.

But mostly I was just agreeing with you on the sorry state of our public school's textbooks.