Nerd Test

Coincidentally, I took that very test last week. I think I got something really low like a 13.
HOW the fuck did I get 83%... I so should not get that.

and I scored 84% in my age group. NOOOO, I am not a geek. IM NOT

It probably is because I did this on linux and have more then 5 comps... stupid test.

[EDIT] Or its cause Im on my comp so much, or cause I knew some of those REALLY easy dumb questions like what is ASCII stand for or spell this ASCII or BINARY in English... WTF, this is irritating me. THat isn't computer geek stuff. I know Binary for none computer reasons. I need it for my Math courses, I need to know all mods if I ever expect to get a masters... GEEZ YES this is really annoying me, can't you tell. IM NOT A GEEK. I am so going downtown now and getting shit faced and fuckin some bitches, I gotta wash this off myself, NOW, NOWWWWW!

[EIDT2]wait... I scored near skankin'... ok I feel better. We just kinda live on computers, not geeks perse. A shit, why am I kiddin' myself. WERE GEEKS, cry with me please.
With mild(?) cheating (e.g. I'm not multi-boot at the moment but I'll be installing Plan 9 before long now that I have a reliable HD), and I guessed the identity of "guy" and "computer":

Overall, you scored as follows:

5% scored higher (more computer geeky),

0% scored the same, and

95% scored lower (less geeky).

Compared to those in the same age group as you:

6% scored higher (more computer geeky),

1% scored the same, and

93% scored lower (less geeky).