Nerd Test

Overall, you scored as follows:

40% scored higher (more computer geeky),

1% scored the same, and

59% scored lower (less geeky).

Compared to those in the same age group as you:

54% scored higher (more computer geeky),

1% scored the same, and

45% scored lower (less geeky).

What does this mean? Your computer geekiness is:

You are a wannabe computer geek. You do have potential, go for it! (...Or maybe not...)

For your hard work, here is the promised image: 59 computer geek wannabe
Originally posted by ExCyber@Mon, 2005-08-22 @ 12:16 AM

With mild(?) cheating (e.g. I'm not multi-boot at the moment but I'll be installing Plan 9 before long now that I have a reliable HD), and I guessed the identity of "guy" and "computer":

It was a Cray 1, I saw one at a Silicon Graphics office in France.
That thing reminded me of a weird artsy couch or something... NOT A COMPUTER. Crazy comp geeks and there funky lookin' comps. And yet I still scored third highest out of everyone here. (thank you Mask and Cybie!)
Heh, it's a famous machine, though. I have to admit, the only reason I recognized it is because they have (had?) one up at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, where we used to go to do our computing competitions in high school (okay, I am a computer geek, heh).
It was a Cray 1, I saw one at a Silicon Graphics office in France.

I just thought it looked too rounded, shiny, and small to be ENIAC, had never heard of the other one, and had previously guessed "guy" as Seymour Cray, so I figured that was the safest bet.