Nester 6.0

just burned nester 6 using mkisofs/ipins/iso2mac (seems 1st_read.bin was already set for 11700)

final fantasy seems to work perfectly so far. havent tried DW, but i would imagine it would work the same.

work perfectly = full frames, correct colors, pretty perfect sound, savefile and savestate saving (if you have a vmu with enough space) and roms can be burned directly to the emulator disc.

pretty much nesterdc 5 with rock ridge support added imo.

(Edited by lockecole2 at 8:54 am on Mar. 28, 2002)
Quote: from Supergrom on 10:42 pm on Mar. 27, 2002

Savestate saving? as in save anywhere?

and is there any problems with flashing sprites? I remember a couple versions ago i was playing Ninja Gaiden, and i got hit and i would have been "blinking" on a real NES, but i just became invisible for a little while. Same with Mega man. Is this fixed yet?

yeah, but it takes quite a bit of space on the vmu.

from the readme :

most case

- state saving(nes): 6-20 blocks

- state saving(fds): 66 blocks

worst case

- state saving(nes): 96 blocks (240 blocks if MMC5)

- state saving(fds): 700 blocks

i havent tried ninja gaiden or mm yet, dunno why i forgot them.
The only other prob i'm having is selfbooting the disc. I have lal the files, extracted the roms from another nester disc i had, followed everything the jimboot program told me to do and errors, ip.bin was corrupt or something along those lines.