Nintendo DS Tidbits


Staff member
Apparently one of the features in nintendo's new DS system will feature instant messaging over it's own wireless network.

Nintendo has show Mario Kart 64 on this system to show off it's 3D capabilities. Can this mean a bunch of N64 ports are in the work?

Very cool news. Thanks go to the Magic Box.
Wow, havent even thought of that Supergrom. Mario Kart 64 multiplayer does sound kick ass. Can't wait till it gets some reviews.
whoa that would be cool -- but they must have something better/enhanced in mind to use the dual screens.

Also, I read on Spong that it was Mario 64 as a demo.
yeah, i somehow doubt that they would actually port goldeneye or perfect dark (the button problem alone is huge). Maybe mario kart, and even then who knows if the wireless network has the bandwidth. Still, its nice to dream.
With both the wireless, and the messaging, and being able to do N64 quality games. This sounds more and more like a replacement for the GBA. Only time will tell.
Perhaps it isn't because they're not sure how well it will do, and they don't want to hurt the sales of the Gameboy line? Plus, by not being part of the Gameboy line, they don't have to do the backwards compatible deal, with either the DS playing GB games or future handhelds playing DS games.

I'm sure that if it is a raging success, they'll eventualy phase out the GB hardware, around the time they release the DS2. But it is not an immediate successor.

Heh... DS2...
Sounds really cool though, either way, new Gameboy or not, I'm gonna have to see what this little powerhouse of a handheld can do.

If it truly can play N64 quality games, it might be able to beat the competition (aka PSP).
And that is what N needs. They need a handheld that can compete with the PSP. The hanheld market is what keeps them rolling.

On a side note, I flipped past G4 over the weekend and they were dunning a special on Nintendo. Man, their US office is nice. They talked to some of the phone reps. Their desks were decked out with Nintendo stuff. Looked awesome.