Odd P.C. Question for you guys.


Staff member
Do you think I will get sued if I put on my phone book ad, "The only computer handyman around who speaks English."

I really am the only English speaking computer handyman around my area. There are Asian and Indian too, but they have horrible accents. Most of my new clients are suprised when they call me up and actually understand me, lol.

Given the fact that everybody gets sued for anything in the states, you should be careful, maybe by mentioning it in a more subtle way 😉

They won't be able to understand your ad anyway :hehehe:
Perhaps you should phrase it differently like: Computer handyman who effectivly communicates in english, both orally and in writing.

Id assume if you make it a little more vague you couldnt get sued.
Iceman, I think that you should just put it the way you have it. If it's true it's true. If they can't even really speak english they probably wouldn't even know how to sue you anyway.
I wouldn't say ONLY because if there *is* another pc-guy out there by the time the phonebook comes out, you could be in trouble.

I'd use something that implys it. Something like "Native Phillidelphian" or "Born and Bred Right Here in Philly!" Or, as long as you don't speak any second languages, go the other route and say "Service available in english-only, sorry." Make it sound like you're apologizing for not speaking Farsi or Mandarin, when in fact it also states that you ONLY SPEAK ENGLISH.

Sounds like my last search for a doctor... I have to go to a specialist, and most of them around here are Arabic. Now, I have no problem with an Arabic doctor, except the one I'd tried to go to had a language/culture barrier. She knew my words, but she couldn't understand my situation (working 12 hour shifts at night, staying up all day to take care of my ill mother, only sleeping every third day, at night). So I looked up a list of all the endocronologists within 20 miles of my zipcode, and two euro-american-sounding names came up. One was the first doctor I used to go to that if I ever see again I'm likely to inflict physical harm upon, so skip him. The other was the one I called and have been happy with ever since.
I like the way Ritual said it best. It's not rude, but it gets the point across. As someone else pointed out, people sue for anything these days.
Not to pick nits or anything, but India is in Asia....

Anyway, I think 'Native PA owned and operated' would be a good way to phrase it without taking up too much space/verbage.
Originally posted by VertigoXX@Thu, 2005-08-04 @ 05:50 PM

I'd use something that implys it. Something like "Native Phillidelphian" or "Born and Bred Right Here in Philly!" Or, as long as you don't speak any second languages, go the other route and say "Service available in english-only, sorry." Make it sound like you're apologizing for not speaking Farsi or Mandarin, when in fact it also states that you ONLY SPEAK ENGLISH.

This sounds good to me
Racketboy, it increases every couple of months it seems. Soon I will have to hire someone part time. I don't even want to think about that though.
Just my 2 cents, but i'd lean towards somthing like "Effective at communicating with the customers" or somthign like that. Definetly make it a positive statement rather then a negative one. I know it's basically politicking witht he choice of message but people do respond to that, outside of the lawsuit potential.