HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! You know, I can't deny it... part of the reason is that! I will admit, sometimes (a great deal of time when chatting online) my grammar is horrific!

You can at least be mildly proud that you didn't spell it "grammer". 😀
And the fact that you work around wannabe porn stars all day probably doesn't help much either.

Dude, bookstores and libraries and cafés work. Going to college works (where I first met my fiancé).

Guys who go to clubs are just looking to get laid. The women who go there know this. You meet a chick over expresso, books, and some horrendously bad poet on the stage at Borders, she at least thinks you might be interested in her above the neck.
Did you know FL literally is void of bookstores. Closest one is a borders about an hour away! And the place is empty from open to close!

My complaint though was that yes, clubs are the only place... but ive only been to two in my entire life! Leaving me with nothing to do but sit at home. Grrrr, my computer broken!
ya, I have ah ard tiem findin good girls, a REAL hard time. I just don't know where to look. ALl the good ones are sought-after jewels and when people stumble onto them somewhere, they keep em :-\. Greedy bastards 😛!
My biggest problem is that even if there were nice little places like a cafe (which there is... Underground Cafe). They aren't my type of woman! I really don't like the atmosphere; the poetry munching weirdos who have Edgar Allen Poe plastered all over their journals drive me insane... (you may remember my rant about authors in another thread...) So I stay away from these people who worship hyped up media. Clubs for its hyped music, cafes for their hyped poets, movie theatres for their hyped MOVIES, you get the point!

How do I get in these rants? Really, why am I doing this? (thats retorical)

Oh and skank, i didn't look to hard at your comment about the you're... I did mean to say it's (not its, i did forget the apostrophe). I used it because the asker of the question could be a book, teacher, or anything.

You know, I should clarify something so that way no one gets troubled trying to respond with any actual help. There is no help or answer to my rants and questions. I just have to face the truth, I am a lunatic... with the clicks, ticks, mood swings, black outs, and the random swing of my fist into my temple. Hmmm, maybe I should just get myself one of those dr. patient relationships! They will never dump you, you choose when to dump them!
Originally posted by it290@Wed, 2004-11-24 @ 06:27 PM

I think that you're generalizing to an extreme degree.

Okay, I'll modify that statement. Guys who go to clubs without a significant other are looking to get laid. 😛 Guys who go to a club with a significant other are going to prove to her that they only want to get laid by her.

We're guys. Almost everything we do is, somehow, intended to get us laid.
Originally posted by VertigoXX@Wed, 2004-11-24 @ 06:34 PM

Okay, I'll modify that statement. Guys who go to clubs without a significant other are looking to get laid. 😛 Guys who go to a club with a significant other are going to prove to her that they only want to get laid by her.

We're guys. Almost everything we do is, somehow, intended to get us laid.

[post=124446]Quoted post[/post]​

Guys who go to a club with a significant other are going to prove to her that they only want to get laid by her.

What if it's the other way around? What if it's the girl who goes, and the guy is the "other"?

We're guys. Almost everything we do is, somehow, intended to get us laid.

I wouldn't go that far.
Originally posted by VertigoXX+Thu, 2004-11-25 @ 11:34 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(VertigoXX @ Thu, 2004-11-25 @ 11:34 AM)</div><div class='quotemain'>We're guys. Almost everything we do is, somehow, intended to get us laid.

[post=124446]Quoted post[/post]​


@Thu, 2004-11-25 @ 12:04 PM

I wouldn't go that far.

[post=124448]Quoted post[/post]​


I would. :lol:
You all have made your comments about my jumping to conclusions with the woman here in south florida. That I must not be going to the proper places. Well I read a website called www.tuckermax.com, some of may have heard of him. If not, he's hilarious, a genious, and an asshole. Most of all he grew up here in south florida and lived even here in the very same city I live! Now an excert from his website proving to you all I am not blowing it out my ass. This is a credable source (mainly because he is well known and has screwed god knows how many woman... my idol!).

"The summer after law school graduation, I moved to Boca Raton, Florida and took a job managing my father's restaurants. I wasn't really expecting to meet a girl I would like, as the general intellectual level of South Florida is somewhere above "functionally retarded." After I had been in Boca about two months, I hadn't really had any sort of relationship other than emotionally uninvolved sex with morally suspicious girls, and I eventually resigned myself to vacant sex with the vapid idiots that infest South Florida." {Tucker Max}

This is true, they are ALL functionally retarded!
On top of being vapid retards; woman in south florida are the biggest gold diggers of them all. I have heard EVERY girl in my office moan that if her boyfriend didn't get her a ring worth at LEAST 20G as an engagement ring, they did not truly love her! (My father who before I was 5 and going bankrupt had LARGE amounts of money... LARGE!!!! he spent 22,000 on my mothers ring. I repeat, my father made more in a week then most of us made in a year! Ohhh, the memories! T.T What makes you think all these girls are going to find a man with that kind of money!)Can you believe this shit? They don't expect 2 month salary, they expect 6 month salary... nevermind, WHO STARTED 2 MONTH SALARY? debears, kay, WHO? Diamonds as a wedding ring for the middle class is a fairly new idea. Diamonds up until the recent 20th century were priced so high that you needed large amounts of money to afford them!