Old terms and refs..

"Hey Kids what time is it?"

I know this one, but probably only because I saw it in Back to the Future 3...


Joel or Mike?


I'm sure I've heard this one somewhere, but no idea what from...

"Live from New York....."


"Hes dead Jim"

I think my favorite line from this character is "That green-blooded son of a bitch! It's his revenge for all the arguments he lost!"
Originally posted by Mysticales@June 18 2002,10:30

Ok now on to new areas...

Easy ones.

"Hey Kids what time is it?"



"Live from New York....."

"Hi Ho Silver..." (Easy one but you need to know the show!)

And for a classic kick

"Hes dead Jim"

I know all these too! wow,
I am a encyclopedia of useless knowlege

1. before my time, but I know where it came from.

2. well again, originally it was before my time but in the early 90's it showed up.

3. god I loved this one, used to watch it alot, gotta love clay.

4. really easy one, been on the air every saturday for years

5. you can see this one one either TCM or AMC (old Girlfreind of mine loved old movies and shows)

6. same place "beam me up scotty" came from

here's a few of my own, where did "where's the beef?" come from?

Or how about "I know you hear me knocking, and I think I'm coming in.." want a hint?
no need for hints for the first one if you're a product of the 80s(or any decade before that where you're old enough to remember this ad campain) and the second one some might need a hint if they're not familiar with either mtv or comedy.

sorry random just realized i gave hints for you.
and i think nick started either 21 years ago or 20 so ya it's maybe as old as me or possibly a little older or a little younger. no idea but i know it started either 80 or 81 i think(maybe that's mtv but mtv and nick are owned by the same people)
I think Nick started shortly after MTV (which started in 1982)

anyone remember MTV's spaceman? that was back when MTV was actually about music.
ahhh the good ole days...
should have just called this post remember the 80s catch phrases.

"may the schwartz be with you"(i think that's the correct quote maybe i spelled schwartz wrong but it's close enough.

anyone remember donkey kong cereal?
Originally posted by jim993@June 18 2002,16:26

hey anyone remember danger mouse that show kicked some ass even though it had all weird british type stuff.

Weird British type stuff? Apart from a hamster with glasses and a mouse with an eyepatch, I can't think what you mean. And I thought they lived everywhere anyways.

I haven't got a single one of these phrases.. Guess I need to brush up on my Eighties US television, like my mum keeps telling me.
well he lived in england i think in london. one of his exits from his hideout was a british style phone booth. and then it had that ending where it showed the english parlament building. and i dont know i forget some of the british stuff it had in it i haven't seen it since the 80s.

"Hey Kids what time is it?"

Howdy Doody Time.



Old BW Mickey Mouse Club



Mr-Bill (That clay person)


"Live from New York....."

Saturday Night Live


"Hes dead Jim"

If you DONT know. Buy Star Trek game, Point Phaser at McCoy and see his LOVLEY responses

More common "Damnit Jim im a doctor not a *blank*"

Nuttin Honey was old commercial for a cereal where THATS what he was eating when his wife asked him.
Originally posted by jim993@June 18 2002,21:16

well he lived in england i think in london. one of his exits from his hideout was a british style phone booth. and then it had that ending where it showed the english parlament building. and i dont know i forget some of the british stuff it had in it i haven't seen it since the 80s.

I know that, I'm just curious as to what's weird about it. Red post boxes and stuff aren't weird here.

'Nuttin Honey was old commercial for a cereal where THATS what he was eating when his wife asked him.' - That's quite funny in a poor sort of way, I wish I had some of that cereal so I could live out that routine every day and give myself a cheap laugh
I guess.. Half the crap we get on TV here is from the US or elsewhere so I suppose we're used to seeing 'weird' foreign things more

This thread has got me thinking about that cartoon called Mask, which I used to think was quality when I was younger..

Anyone know this:

'Wheeled warriors explode into battle!' ?

It's from something which no-one I've met for years remembers except for me.. We used to go around the playground shouting it.
no idea but anyone remember this one: (i'm 14, but my cousin was watching tv long before i was born)

"You'll be hooked on the brotha's!"

or this one

"Yes, I AM the sausage kind of chigago" -you gotta know this one!
I know that phrase you mentioned Myname, It's been along time since I heard anyone mention it though.

I also remember these phrases "...and knowing is half the battle" and "I have the power".

I knew the shows those came quite well.

I remember M.A.S.K. too, They played the cartoon as recently as '92 on WGN tv in Chicago.

Speaking of retro cartoons, anyone remember Dino Saucers or Bravestarr? Those were short lived, and nobody I ever met remembers them.
More vintage talk.

Anybody here watch Robotech? I used to watch that religeously!

In fact it was this show that introduced me to Japanese anime back in the 80's.

It had such a deep story, and was done very well.

My fave character way Roy Fokker, he kicked ass! and I was PO'ed when he was killed by the zentradi
Yeah, I remember Bravestarr! Didn't he turn into a horse and an eagle in the opening sequence to show how multi-talented he was?