Original vs Lite


Staff member
That's a difficult decision...fatty or slim. I like how the indentations where the d-pad and buttons are on both, like they're inverted. Really like the new DS, though not sure how it's going to make the insides of my wrists feel opposed to the fattness. Guess'll just have to wait till EB or a store has it out to hold and go test it to be sure.
it looks like the battery light is in the middle (between the two screens) and to the right. I really don't feel like buying another ds since i imported a black one from japan, but this should be nice for those who haven't ventured into the future of handheld gaming yet.
i'm the same way. Looks real nice, but nothing I'm gonna run out for. I'm happy with my current one. Now, I am excited about the DTV card, and hope it is realesed here in the US.