i changed the MB and it works fine now
what sucks is the only MB i could find that would use my existing parts plus alow me to upgrade them to the standard parts now had no AGP slot and a integrated graphics board
what i dont get it that it says 32 meg in the manual - its default set on 32 meg but i can set it to be up to 512meg and as low as 8 -- can i realy do that or is that option left over from the boards that have a cards that says higher inthe manual -- this was not clear in the manual - i havent tried changeing it incase i woudl screw something up
i always thought open case was cooler -- i had it open cause the agp slot didnt always work and i had to wiggle the board -- now i have it open cause i got a extra ide controler and i have 4 hds hanging out (makes me think it looks like guts hanging out like 4 stomachs)
i wasted my money on those round ide cables - they frelling dont work - i had to reuse my old flat ones
what sucks is the only MB i could find that would use my existing parts plus alow me to upgrade them to the standard parts now had no AGP slot and a integrated graphics board
what i dont get it that it says 32 meg in the manual - its default set on 32 meg but i can set it to be up to 512meg and as low as 8 -- can i realy do that or is that option left over from the boards that have a cards that says higher inthe manual -- this was not clear in the manual - i havent tried changeing it incase i woudl screw something up
i always thought open case was cooler -- i had it open cause the agp slot didnt always work and i had to wiggle the board -- now i have it open cause i got a extra ide controler and i have 4 hds hanging out (makes me think it looks like guts hanging out like 4 stomachs)
i wasted my money on those round ide cables - they frelling dont work - i had to reuse my old flat ones