Persuasion is The Key....


Established Member
Yes, persuasion IS the key. I'm trying to convince a very good friend of mine to get me an XBox for Christmas. Now, that may seem odd, to ask a friend for such an expensive gift, as opposed to my parents, but my parents don't wanna buy me anymore videogames. Now, I'm trying to persuade my friend. Help me think of some good lines/one-liners to try and convince him. This should be interesting.... :lol: 😛
Nah.. 😛 I've already had a PSX for about six years now, and I don't need a THIRD PoS2! :lol: 😛 And yes, I KNOW what the "new" PSX coming out is. I call it the "PoSX". 😛
Man, You must have some good friends if they would even consider buying such an expensive gift. Me and my friend have resorted to trading dumb items this year to save on cash. And a max of $20 on a game.

Anyway back on topic. Try to convince them of all the great time you'll be spending on multiplayer games!
All the great time we'll be spending on Multiplayer games.... Hm... Well.. I hardly ever see him, although he is town for a few days, so that might not work..... Hm.....
Well, if he has one, then you could say all the great time we'll be spending on multiplayer games over live!
Originally posted by Scared0o0Rabbit@Nov 29, 2003 @ 04:01 PM

just tell him you'll get kotor, and that he can come over and play it.

Ah, KotOR... This has to be one of the best games on xbox. If you get an xbox, you defenintly need to get that game. I don't even really like star wars but this game is awsome.