Playing Homebrew Games Help


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Probably a dumb question but I can't find an answer anywhere online. I'm wanting to try out all these wonderful homebrews but I can't get some of them to work. I've successfully played Hellslave and Cubecat to name a few but others I can't get to run such as Utenyaa and Slidehop. I've tried copying to my Saroo and burning to disc for Pseudo Kai. The first two I mentioned work on both methods while the other two do not. Looking at the files, I don't see what I'm missing. I'd love to experience everything the community has made so your guidance is appreciated.
Slide Hop is extremely sensitive to emulation errors in the CD Block, and that is the particular failure of Saroo. What needs to happen is the developers of Saroo (or your particular flash cart) need to produce a firmware update which will allow it to act as an optical drive emulator, rather than a flash cart; it must emulate the speed and latency of a 2x speed CD drive as closely as possible. Your best immediate alternative is to use Saroo (or some other cart) as a boot loader so you can play these games from a CD-R.

I see that you've mentioned the CD-R didn't work; that is unusual. Be sure to burn the CD as slowly as possible, verify the burn, etc; Slide Hop has no tracks and thus only the .ISO file needs to be burned.
Slidehop runs fine on saroo,
only need ISO file , del CUE file

Utenyaa runs fine on saroo.
The cue file is not in the standard redump cue format, download the attachment below


  • IMG_6071.jpeg
    1.2 MB · Views: 0
  • build.rar
    210 bytes · Views: 0
Just now, SLIDEHOP ran for a while in SAROO and FENRIR. Except that SAROO loaded faster, there were no other abnormalities.

Slidehop runs fine on saroo,
Just now, SLIDEHOP ran for a while in SAROO and FENRIR. Except that SAROO loaded faster, there were no other abnormalities.

Slidehop runs fine on saroo,
People thought it was running fine on MODE too until Ponut saw footage of it and pointed out the issues. If he looks at it and confirms it runs fine then I'll believe it. But until then and with how Saroo works I have my doubts.
From what I've seen, tzmwx was able to get it working correctly. No guarantee all SAROOs will work the same, as far as I understand?

I have only speculation when I don't own a saroo :/
From what I've seen, tzmwx was able to get it working correctly. No guarantee all SAROOs will work the same, as far as I understand?

I have only speculation when I don't own a saroo :/
Probably wouldn't be a bad idea to see footage. If I remember correctly on MODE wasn't the issue it was dropping frames and having audio errors due to CD latency issues?
No special processing is required. I run it well under saroo 0.5 version. I compared it with fenrir, phoebe and mednafen1.32.1


    79.3 MB
From what I've seen, tzmwx was able to get it working correctly. No guarantee all SAROOs will work the same, as far as I understand?

I have only speculation when I don't own a saroo :/
I recorded a video, please check if it works perfectly? The background music is a little quiet, it‘s 1am here
I did make an attempt using
Utenyaa runs fine on saroo.
The cue file is not in the standard redump cue format, download the attachment below
I did try with this file and it still will not load on my Saroo. I'll try burning a disc tomorrow or the next day and see if I can get it to work that way. It could just be my Saroo.
I did make an attempt using

I did try with this file and it still will not load on my Saroo. I'll try burning a disc tomorrow or the next day and see if I can get it to work that way. It could just be my Saroo.

You mentioned that two games cannot run, and these two games use CUE format that is not REDUMP.

The first game is Slidehop, which has an ISO format image and no audio tracks. It uses ISO files directly and deletes CUE files

The second game is Utenyaa, which comes with audio tracks and requires downloading the CUE file in the attachment to replace the original CUE file

Can you shoot a video and send it here, so that I can see why you can’t run it?

For example,
for the game “Slidehop”:

Do not use the CUE file, just install GAME.ISO correctly on your SD card, the path is as follows

Turn on the power

go to the game menu and run SLIDEHOP
Probably a dumb question but I can't find an answer anywhere online. I'm wanting to try out all these wonderful homebrews but I can't get some of them to work. I've successfully played Hellslave and Cubecat to name a few but others I can't get to run such as Utenyaa and Slidehop. I've tried copying to my Saroo and burning to disc for Pseudo Kai. The first two I mentioned work on both methods while the other two do not. Looking at the files, I don't see what I'm missing. I'd love to experience everything the community has made so your guidance is appreciated.
don't miss vttc & magic 2023 demo
I had someone in the Shiro discord test the SBL Cinepak Demo 8 on Saroo the other night and it seems to be crashing. The demo plays 4 videos at once with 3 of them being streamed off the disc. It works when running off a disc as well as on Satiator and in emulators. I'm pretty sure I had someone try it on Fenrir and MODE a while ago and they worked as well.

It should play like this and loop forever:

On Saroo however it was doing this:

The image was built with Sega's official VCD Tools on Windows 95, so format wise it should be fine. He also tried converting it with UltraISO like he did with other homebrew demos and that didn't do anything. He also tried playing with different configurations to adjust the sector delay, etc. to try and emulate the speed of a real drive and that didn't work either.


runs fine

Why did the previous run fail? Because the GAMEID 999999999 has been used by saroo,need edit GAMEID code .

This GAMEID code may involve other homebrew.

I remember the CPKplay1.1, You also used this ID, and I also modified the ID when I released the SAROO CPK demo.

When you make an image in the future, you can add the game name or author name to GAMEID. If your software needs backup memory function, you also need this ID. Otherwise, if everyone is GAMEID999999999,it will also cause storage failure.

Here is a modified IP_GNU.BIN file with ID SEGA99999, which can be put into the makeiso folder, and the image of this ID can be directly generated later



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