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Yes, you are right, someone is stalking me.

Jurai? Not really, he is a nice person.

In the other hand, ChiBangin101...
so by ChiBangin going to war and defending our country and our way of life he is doing a horrible thing? How is that a horrable thing?
there is no justification for war. Us climbing down in the gutter with the other people who want to wage wars somehow makes us better?

I'm sorry, but in some ways the terrorists have won, they've changed our way of life to a degree atleast, now we're much more cautious, and it seems like tons of people are okay with war now. In any case, this isn't the topic for this, and if it doesn't get back to it's proper subject I can see someone locking it in it's near future lol.
Because you do not see it the way I see it.

Protect your country? From what? "Possible" threats? Sure.

I am not against battles, but I see differences between a battle and a war.

Any idiot can shoot a fire arm and kill a man.

Wars lack of honor, so do fire arms.
Americans dont give two shits about honor, at least not like the Japanese.

What you want us to go in with swords and horses?

We've had suicide bombings, the world trade center and a bunch of other prevented threats. This is all we can do and even so, we aren't at war any more. We're trying to help them clean up our shit which we already admitted is pretty bad and they just keep going after us. I'll admit we should just quit dicking around in Iraq, but some wars are very valid and need fighting.
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