Powerstone better than Smash Bros?


Established Member
I was just playing GC at somebody's house and played a bit of Smash Bros.

I can't really see what all the hype about.

Seems like Power Stone or Power Stone 2 is way better.

Sure it doesn't have as good of characters personality-wise, but the gameplay and graphics are way better on Power Stone.

Smash Bros has so much zooming in and out I could hardly tell where I was half the time. Also the variety of moves was very lacking. Plus there aren't any Power Stones to chase after.

On a side note, I asked the "GC Guy" (who I don't really like that much) if he's played Power Stone. He said, "yeah, but it was too much like Mortal Kombat".

Originally posted by racketboy@Sep 9, 2003 @ 11:01 PM

On a side note, I asked the "GC Guy" (who I don't really like that much) if he's played Power Stone. He said, "yeah, but it was too much like Mortal Kombat".


I think that statement sums it up perfectly. Obvious blinked fanboy who doesnt rate anything on other consoles.

I was once like that with my Sega consoles when I was young, these days I'm lucky enough to own all the current generation of consoles and dont think that anymore.

Power Stone only similarity with MK is that they both contain fighting.
the guy is a total Fanboy and not a good one at that.

I don't even own a Gamecube and he was clueless about most of the new games I asked him about (Viewtiful Joe etc).
I was just playing GC at somebody's house and played a bit of Smash Bros.

I can't really see what all the hype about.

The hype is about it being manic, fun, easy to pick up, and pretty tough to master. Plus its damage system is unique. Then there's also the familiar characters, and honestly - who can't resist beating the snot out of that little @#$% Pikachu?

Seems like Power Stone or Power Stone 2 is way better.

Sure it doesn't have as good of characters personality-wise, but the gameplay and graphics are way better on Power Stone.

Smash Bros has so much zooming in and out I could hardly tell where I was half the time. Also the variety of moves was very lacking. Plus there aren't any Power Stones to chase after.

Ok... first off, graphics. Obviously you had a blindfold on, or at least sunglasses or something... or maybe your friend had a really, REALLY awful TV? Because Smash Bros.: Melée is a damn fine looking game.

Second, zooming in/out. Again you must have had a blindfold on. That and, PS ZOOMS OUT TOO when characters are far apart... in fact, EVERY FIGHTING GAME does that except the old Dragonball Z games which did that creepy splitscreen thing.

Third, moves. Every character has one move for every direction plus A or B, with variations depending on how the stick is held. Granted there isn't insane variety though - that's why the game is easy to pick up for first timers.

Fourth... "Aren't any powerstones to chase after"? What kind of complaint is that? :lol:

On a side note, I asked the "GC Guy" (who I don't really like that much) if he's played Power Stone. He said, "yeah, but it was too much like Mortal Kombat".


Oh, and yeah, he's retarded.
The powerstones are cool 'cause it adds to the strategy.

Yes it was on a crap tv using regular RCA jacks. 😛

Powerstone does not zoom as much a Smash Bros. -- Smash Bros is crazy
A common characteristic among Nintendo fanboys is that they *do* play games on other consoles, and might even have fun while doing it, but depending on their fanboyism level, they'll modify all their memories so they remember the experience as "nothing compared to anything Nintendo", or "piece of shit".
A common characteristic among Nintendo fanboys is that they *do* play games on other consoles, and might even have fun while doing it, but depending on their fanboyism level, they'll modify all their memories so they remember the experience as "nothing compared to anything Nintendo", or "piece of shit".

Yeah, that does seem to happen.

Just for the record, as I'm sure many have noticed, I'm not one of those kind of Nintendo fans. I'm borrowing a friend's PS2 right now and enjoying it thoroughly... and I got my Saturn after having a GameCube. =)
dont forget the sheld system with the dodging, the reflecting, the breaking, and also the aerial dodges, and the recovery system. much more sophsticated then powerstones blocking.
I didn't like Powerstone; there's too much Powerstone grabbing and not enough fighting.
Originally posted by mountaindud@Sep 12, 2003 @ 12:42 PM

I didn't like Powerstone; there's too much Powerstone grabbing and not enough fighting.

Powerstone 2 that was more of an issue, but not so much in the first
Originally posted by Gallstaff@Sep 12, 2003 @ 09:46 PM

I agree powerstone 2 was awkward I thought but powerstone 1 was pretty fun I enjoy it emmensly.

It's better for a good laugh with a group of friends too 😀

Nothing like picking up a large pole out of the groud and knocking somebody upside the head with it
well, If you want a true 1 on 1 fight with your friend, then one is definently better for that. The level design is better for it. But 2 is much more fun IMO and has much more replay value. I only wish they would've put some levels from 1 onto 2. So you could have 1 on 1 matches once in a while.
Smash Bros. and Powerstone play completely differently and can't be compared. They are both good games in their own right.
Originally posted by halo@Sep 14, 2003 @ 12:12 AM

Smash Bros. and Powerstone play completely differently and can't be compared.

Not really other than Powerstone has more of a 3D environment and has the powerstones
having played SSB and SSBM i'd have to say that i dont really like it.

the Cube version i do remember having some nice graphics but after about 2 battles with a freind it got boring. its more of an "8 year olds" fighting game... i could be wrong and i know there are people out there that will say

"WHAT?!!? but it has so much strategy involved"

my only answer to that is

"yeah whatever pal, the game sucks"

as for powerstone and the comparison, ive never really played powerstone properly. ive had a go at it but i seem to remember that being rather unexciting also. but in all id say powerstone is a superior game.

why is it so hard to realise the facts. powerstone is a CAPCOM game, SSBM is a NINTENDO game.

Capcom good fighting game history: A HELL OF A LOT

Nintendo good fighting game history: jack shit except KI but since they lost RARE to micro$oft...

whats the concept in SSBM? a bunch of fluffy nintendo characters fighting each other. the characters are smiling while the so called frenzy is taking place.
why is it so hard to realise the facts. powerstone is a CAPCOM game, SSBM is a NINTENDO game.

Capcom good fighting game history: A HELL OF A LOT

Nintendo good fighting game history: jack shit except KI but since they lost RARE to micro$oft...

So when Sega brought out PSO (their first online rpg) we should have just viewed it as rubbish because they don't have a history of making them? :huh

whats the concept in SSBM? a bunch of fluffy nintendo characters fighting each other. the characters are smiling while the so called frenzy is taking place.

The concept, like Powerstone is for a bunch of characters to beat the crap out of each other using various crazy weapons. They are smiling? Are you sure about that? I seem to remember their facial expressions changing when they were fighting and Ganondorf certainly doesn't smile 😛

as for powerstone and the comparison, ive never really played powerstone properly. ive had a go at it but i seem to remember that being rather unexciting also. but in all id say powerstone is a superior game.

Powerstone....unexciting?! :blink:

It has to be one of the most frantic, exciting games I have ever played, especially 2! As for Powerstone being superior, I can't decide. I love both Powerstone and SSBM.

the Cube version i do remember having some nice graphics but after about 2 battles with a freind it got boring. its more of an "8 year olds" fighting game... i could be wrong and i know there are people out there that will say

"WHAT?!!? but it has so much strategy involved"

my only answer to that is

"yeah whatever pal, the game sucks"

That shows what an open-minded person you are then. Rather than listening to there view, you will just say that no matter what they say.

SSBM is an incredible strategic game and is one of the few fighters that button bashing really doesn't work against someone who has fully mastered the game.


Edit-Typo :damn:
sorry man, im not a member of the "target audience" for ssbm, so the game just doesnt appeal to me.

as for button mashing VS skillz, well i'd have to say that it worked for me.
i forgot to mention something else,

i see what you are trying to get at with the Phantasy Star thing but you should have tried a better example since Phantasy Star already had a reputation of quality from the four previous games!

with the exception of maybe 3 which i believe people are disputing about but i thought it was good.

having played SSB and SSBM i'd have to say that i dont really like it.

the Cube version i do remember having some nice graphics but after about 2 battles with a freind it got boring. its more of an "8 year olds" fighting game... i could be wrong and i know there are people out there that will say

"WHAT?!!? but it has so much strategy involved"

my only answer to that is

"yeah whatever pal, the game sucks"

sorry man, im not a member of the "target audience" for ssbm, so the game just doesnt appeal to me.

as for button mashing VS skillz, well i'd have to say that it worked for me.

8 year olds? I'd like to see any 8 year old beat me. I'm 17, and female, so more or less exactly NOT the demographic for the game (according to you, from what I gather of your posts). =)

Also re: Button mashing. I just turned to some of my friends (I'm in a comp class at school) and asked them if button mashing can conceivably work in SSB... I got three unanimous and simultaneous NO!'s. You may not know the moves, but you definitely weren't "Button mashing" - you were probably drawing from your general gaming skills to figure out what moves seem to work well, then repeating them.

as for powerstone and the comparison, ive never really played powerstone properly. ive had a go at it but i seem to remember that being rather unexciting also. but in all id say powerstone is a superior game.

You pretty much don't like fighting games at all, do you?

why is it so hard to realise the facts. powerstone is a CAPCOM game, SSBM is a NINTENDO game.

Capcom good fighting game history: A HELL OF A LOT

Nintendo good fighting game history: jack shit except KI but since they lost RARE to micro$oft...

Oh, wow. BRAND MEANS EVERYTHING. Oh wait, that isn't even what you're saying! NUMBER OF GAMES RELEASED MEANS EVERYTHING! There we go.

Who gives a fuck about Capcom's fighting game history? Really?

Or will you say Serious Sam sucks because it's Croteam's first FPS and their first game ever? Or Max Payne sucks because it's Remedy's first FPS? Or that Breath of Fire (SNES) sucks because it was Capcom's first RPG?

whats the concept in SSBM? a bunch of fluffy nintendo characters fighting each other. the characters are smiling while the so called frenzy is taking place.

Even the famously happy-as-hell Pikachu doesn't smile while fighting, shows how much attention you paid while playing. And I wouldn't call Samus, Link, Ganondorf, Roy, Marth, or Bowser "Fluffy".