Project MBOX

maybe you should consider buying mainboards that don't suck then.

I'v been running a duron 800 in this and a duron 750@802 on my other pc for ages, this pc is running 24/7, and I NEVER had a problem caused by the CPU.
Yeah, sometimes it's amazing how people can forget that a PC is a system. If you've got one crappy core component (mainboard, power supply, memory, cooling/case), it can bring the whole thing stumbling to a halt.

i had some luck with underclocking the amd's seemed to make em run cooler and more stable.

Properly attaching a decent fansink tends to do a pretty good job of that too. If you're running at the rated speed and the core gets too hot, that probably means that either your cooling is messed up, or you managed to buy from some shady dealer who unlocked and remarked your CPU. Rumor has it that AMD doesn't leave as much of a margin as Intel when rating their procs, but in my experience they've done a fine job.
I agree about the cooler. do NOT buy a superorb unless its for your overclocked geforce. We used a 1.5 gig rated superorb with a twin fan on a gig Tbird and it china syndromed through the board. We have had no problems with coolermasters though. I swear by them. I dont know about volcano coolers thoug - they look like they might work fine
haha i dunno you'd figure using mobo's from 4 different sources and slowly. i have gone through from k5 to k7 and hated everyone of them. k5 wouldn't clock right. k6 well it was the best of the group but it was flakey at times. k6-2 runs hot and stalls. k7 same thing as k6-2. i might try out one of the new amd's on the .13 dye but till then my intel's have never let me down. 1 286, 3 diff 486's, 2 diff pentiums, 1 p2, 1 p3, and 2 celerons. they have all worked great and duh i know a computer is composed of lots of parts and if one doesn't quite work the whole thing doesn't wanna work thats why its called a system everything needs everything else. duh. and yes i take good care of my comps i defrag, scandisk, i fork out the money for norton and i use a great av program so 😛. annnd i hate WinME unstable, memory hog piece of shit. 98 and 2kpro are the best. dual boot system with those two. oh and don't get me started on how horrible P4's are.

and for all concerned parties i am running a copper orb on my amd k6-2 500 and it still runs at 45'c.
haha i dunno you'd figure using mobo's from 4 different sources

I don't suppose your four sources were FIC, PC Chips, Biostar, and the local dump... seriously, I've had problems with AMD-based systems, but it's never been due to the CPU as far as I can remember.

k6 well it was the best of the group but it was flakey at times

My K6-based firewall/NAT router hasn't been acting flaky. I kind of expected it to give me a few problems (because it's an Acer Aspire, not because it's AMD-based), but it's been running great.

k6-2 runs hot and stalls

Mine didn't, IIRC.

don't get me started on how horrible P4's are.

I don't have to, because you just got me started :biggrin:. Regardless of the thermal characteristics, it seems the microarchitecture is more bloated than Jabba the Hutt, and optimized for marketing (i.e. ridiculously high clock speeds) rather than performance. Standard anti-P4 rant, I suppose. It looks like it does a killer job of audio/video encoding, but that's about the only thing it seems to be good at.

and for all concerned parties i am running a copper orb on my amd k6-2 500 and it still runs at 45'c.

Maybe I just haven't been reading up on the latest in cooling, but I'm pretty sure that's not that hot for a core temperature. Ambient case temp would be another story, of course.
i know pc-chips is the devil incarnate for mobo's. evil buggars. oh well eh? and my next machine is probably going to be a amd. ooh did i say that windows 2k and xp won't run on this pc-chips board i have becuz there is some wierd 16 bit legacy device on the mobo and nt 5 craps out when it touches it. grrr never buy pc-chips mobo's.
It's all about the mobo my friend, I've run 4 different AMD cpu's and only one died, and that was because the mobo fucked the cpu up by not distributing the power properly to the fan causing the cpu to melt. I've been running my AMD Thunderbird 1.1ghz for some time now and it outperforms my brother-in-law's 1.4ghz p4 by FAR, and thats a known fact. As far as your p3 theory, it's wrong, my friends and I run benchmarks against each others computers and I've never seen a p3 outperform my computer, even an overclocked one (was overclocked to 1.3 i think). Bottom line is, AMD cpu's scale great, are very inexpensive, and last if you know how to maintain a computer decently.
hehe i know its the mobo. that pc-chips pos grr never will i own another pc-chips mobo. also there are too many variables to really bitch about cpu performance. cuz if you run win me for 6 months under the typical conditions then run the benches on a fresh install on the same comp. the benchmarks are higher so ya hardware helps but the shape of your os influences it too.
Yup, check your processor core voltages too, running a bit hot. And i wouldnt trust that orb cooler either. off the top of my head a k62 should run t 2.1-2.2V, cant remember. Should be written on the chip.

Hey i dont suppose anyopne has one of those red power light surrounds kicking about? they are white in the european model. My working unit might end up having a silver one though 🙂
my only question is how are you going to get carts to work on this thing?

for ratta's post celerons are really good just gotta get the second gen ones that are built on the p2 core.

(Edited by gamefoo21 at 7:38 pm on Mar. 22, 2002)
no no i mean k your planning on fitting this thing with a new mid-range hardware. instead of 10 mhz it will run at a 1000 mhz. i am asking how will you tie in the cart slot to the mobo.
im not stupid enough to do that!!! not enough room for a megadrive motherboard, not even a hockey puck!!! the obnly thing i might, repeat might do is stick a cart with a fan in it in there.

(Edited by soldermonkey at 2:50 pm on Mar. 23, 2002)
Gees, some people are so dense that light bends around them. Whats next? adding a playstation board?

(Edited by soldermonkey at 2:51 pm on Mar. 23, 2002)
well sorryyy ya dun have to get all super pissy. i just misunderstood. i thought you were going to work a cart slot in so you could play the old school carts. but i guess not.