Quality not Quantity


Staff member
Apparently Shigeru Miyamoto is working on less and less Gamecube Games to work on a couple titles such as the new Zelda, Pikmin, and Mario. Remember the old saying quality not quantity.

If you don't know who this guy is, he is the supervisor of some of Nintendo's best games like Zelda and Mario.

Thanks to Sponge for the news.
Quality not Quantity indeed, this can only be a good thing. Most of the games he works on tend to be great anyway, devoting more of his time to these few games could see the production of something special.
I really can not wait for a new mario game. I didn't care much for Mario Sunshine, it seemed like little changed from MArio 64.
schi0249 said:
I really can not wait for a new mario game. I didn't care much for Mario Sunshine, it seemed like little changed from MArio 64.
Yeah, when I read that he was working on Mario, I was thinking of Mario 128, but I thought he was going to wait for the next home console to release that one...
Let's hope they do release their widely talked about Mario 128.
First it was a demo at SpaceWorld, then it was a game in the works, then it was canned, now there's talk about it again, hehe.

Wasn't Sony's philosophy more the opposite: "Quantity, and maybe some quality if the designers we distributed our deveoper's stations to feel like it."? :lol:

I am looking forward to the Pikmin, Zelda, and and Mario sequals that are comming up, very much.