Radiant Silvergun

Hi all, I've burned a backup of Radiant Silvergun and am playing it on a completely unmodified PAL Saturn (no action replay/model 2/64 pin/un-moddable/swap trick). The ISO was region hacked before burning and the image was burned (several times) at 4x.

The problem is that at the end of stage 1 when the first boss dies, the level completion stuff disappears, and my ship flies along the Stage 1 landscape for ever!

When used in giri-giri my ISO correctly displays level 2 information and the game continues as normal.

Anyone seen this before? Know why it's happening?

I've seen it before when the swap trick is performed incorrectly. I've seen people put in a sat original, wait for the security track to be read, and then quickly swap in their backup. The problem is that the tracks don't get read correctly this way.

How are you swapping your disks?
Try this swap method, i've found it to be easier...

1- Power ON the saturn with the copy in it... let the saturn alone, until that copied cd COMPLETELY STOPs spinning, already on cdplayer.

2- Insert an original cd

3- Press Reset, the saturn will read the security ring from that original, then when the lens is coming back to the center, and the cd is spinning up, swap for the copy.. hopefully it will boot correctly..

Good luck!

Many thanks guys - you were absolutely right with the swap method and now it's working! :thumbs-up:

Any news on the new Lan-Kwei 64 pin compatible mod? I've got two 64 pinners sat here just waiting for it!
The problem is the TOC... the game you load FIRST has to have a TOC either the same size or larger than the copy you're trying to run.