Released"Unreleased" Games for older Sega Systems?


Established Member
As many of you may know, the Dreamcast versions of Half Life, PBA Bowling, and Propeller Arena have been leaked out onto the dark corners of the Internet. These games never saw retail shelves for the Dreamcast. (this thread should not be used to discuss these games)

My question is, were there any "unreleased" commercial games for older Sega systems that popped up to the public via not-retail methods?
Without the interent, it seems difficult that it would reach such wide leaking as the DC games did, but I'm sure some of that freaky shit made it to Hong-Kong and filtered its way back out here.
Well, there were several Sega CD releases that were released in the past few years. But they were put out commercially, so I don't know if you can count those. I don't know about the Saturn, though.
There was Citizen X for SegaCD. Good Deal Games released it, but the beta was floating around the net for years prior to that.
Wasn´t VF3 for SS almost completed? It even had a official release date.

AFAIK, it was completed and 100% playable, and it was done by AM2 themselves without any extra hardware, using the lastest SGL version (it was the only game to reach final production stage with those libraries - there were other projects, but all of them are unknown and died a premature death - oh, wait, Shenmue was probably using those libraries too).

From the rare screenshots across the net, it was beyond any other 3D fighers in the Saturn AND PSX. The 3D levels were there, with slopes, stairs, collumns, walls etc, the characters looked pretty detailed and there seemed to be some nice lighting going on. Only if Sega had those libraries avaliable a year or two earlier...

The game was cancelled because the DC was about to come, and the Saturn VF3 could hurt the sales of the super-rushed DC VF3 (maybe vice versa). It's very unlikely to leak, since I don't think they distributed pre-release versions to editors.

Was there a thread about Saturn Return Fire? What about Waterworld?
Sonic Fighters / Championship is another game that was close to completion on the saturn but never released. I heard a copy of VF3 for the saturn is still sitting in AM2 vaults, does anyone have know where you can get good quality pictures of VF3 on saturn, all the ones i have seen on the net are so small.
I've been diggin' goggle for one hour straight, and couldn't find a single Saturn VF3 shot. Dang, I should've saved the ones I had found a while ago.

Did anyone had more luck?