Replacement ribbon cable for model 2 saturn

well i messed up my ribbon cable and now my saturn is useless, does anyone know where to get another one, or does anyone have a broken saturn, from which they can give me the ribbon cable :)
There are places online but most of them only sell big rolls of it.

I may have some at home.

But if you want a store just google for it. The stuff is called "21 conductor FFC (flexible flat cable)"
Originally posted by lordofduct@Thu, 2005-07-14 @ 03:05 AM

There are places online but most of them only sell big rolls of it.

I may have some at home.

But if you want a store just google for it. The stuff is called "21 conductor FFC (flexible flat cable)"

[post=136710]Quoted post[/post]​

if u do have some would u mind sending me a bit please, and thanx for the reply
PM me your addy and I'll take a look in my cave when I get home.

teh cave mine brotha'!


Well actually its a bit clean now... but still all that stuff is in there.
