Resident Evil 2


Established Member
2006-10-22 to 2006-10-28; Sega Dreamcast

First there was the disaster at the mansion lab. Umbrella Corp. developed the T-virus, a muta-genic toxin for the use in biological weapons. After breaking loose, living things mutated into all sorts of decaying creatures. The case was eventually closed, but Umbrella's experiments were far from over.


Now it's the worst possible nightmare: a new virus runs rampant. All of Raccoon City is infested. Blood-thirsty zombies, hideous mutations now overwhelm the community. When Leon and Claire arrive in town their nightmare is just beginning... You now control their destiny.

If the suspense doesn't kill you... something else will.

"The Gaming Event of 1998. Nothing Else Even Comes Close." - GameFan

[ 1 Player ] [ VMU compatible ] [ Standard Controller ] [ Arcade Stick ]




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Oh yeah!

Easily the second best Resident Evil (Rebirth being number one). I loved this game. Still do.

Though the N64 version is the best version of the game, the Dreamcast version is pretty good too. Too bad the Dreamcast version didn't get any exclusive goodies (It's a port of the PC version).

To this day I'm curious as to how the Saturn port would have fared. There were rumors that it would require the RAM cart, but then Capcom said it wouldn't need it. Then the Saturn version got cancelled February 1998.

I love it how people say it's one the scariest games ever. There's only ONE SCENE in the entire game that makes you jump. Even RE4 was scarier than this one. RE2 wasn't scary at all. When I was a kid I was afraid of Mr X. but now he doesn't bother me. Rebirth gives me goosebumps due to Crimson Heads, RE: Nemesis due to, well, Nemesis. RE4 initially weirded me out when I first found about Regenerators/Iron Maidens. RE2? Nope. Not at all.

To this day I wish Capcom had used the N64 version as the basis for the GameCube version. It would have been perfect, as the N64 version's EX Files talk about the events of the other games (Zero, Original, CODE: Veronica Complete), and with their stance of "having all the Resident Evil games on one console", it would have been a perfect fit. Not too mention the Blood Color option, and the Item Randomizer.
I played the N64 version myself. I can never beat any Resident Evil games 🙁 I get stuck and can never find out what to do!