Saddam Posts Bail

According to the New York Times, Saddam posted bail this morning and was released... You're so gullible...

No really. I just wanted your attention so I could ask some quick Nintendo questions.

One, are the Gamecube disks just mini discs? like mini CDRs, etc?

Two, was there a Mr. Driller game released for Gameboy advanced? I only see the gameboy color version. I wish I could get a TOP 5 list of advance games.


And while I am at it. I suggest there should be a NEW category for other systems. THe four listed are too specific. I would like a category for my gamepark 32 and nintendo questions. Perhaps one category would have more activity. Because I don't even check the PC engine category. there's a new post every other month!
Don't know about #2, but I was under impression that the GC discs have more in common with DVDs than CDRs. I believe they hold ~1.5Gb of data. Unless you mean "mini discs" like Sony mini discs - though they certainly aren't like these either.

Oh, and don't forget about NintendoXtreme for all your big N questions. Doubt you'll get a GP32 section though.
1. They are custom type discs, like the dreamcast gd's were. I don't think they are DVD's though.

2. A search I did resulted in 2 Mr. Driller games for GBA, both were Jap.

Your close, he didnt post bail but he did get out.

"Saddam Hussein Released From Custody - Ruthless Dictator Not Read His Rights, Say Activists"
Originally posted by antime@Dec 18, 2003 @ 08:34 AM

The Cube disc format is a custom format, but it's based on DVD.

What do you mean by based on DVD?

It's not a DVD, but it's based on DVD

It can't be read by DVD drives, can it?

So it's a custom disc based on DVD but it's not a DVD? It doesn't make sense to me. If the disc was based on DVD format then shouldn't you be able to read the data in a normal DVD drive? I'm confused :huh
I don't know if it's DVD or not, but it's size is exactly 1.459.978.240 bytes (or 1.35Gb) 🙂

And my Pioneer A04 can't read them...
I'm sure gp32 had come up in discussion more than Amiga!

I just want one category for other systems. Combine the existing four and allow questions about all systems...
The discs can't be read using DVD drives nor can the Cube read DVDs, burned or pressed (Panasonic's Q uses a separate laser for reading DVDs).
As I understand it they are written from the outside in are they not? In any case, I think the only copy method they have so far is the pso method or whatever, not really sure how it works. I didn't bother to buy a broadband adaptor for my gamecube, and I already have pso for xbox.
umm people have ripped games, so I think there is a way to make it so your DVD drive can read them. Basically from what I understand the whole playing backups thing on the GCN is pretty simple. You stream the disc image to the GCN by way of the adaptor and it tricks your GCN into thinking it's the actual game. It checks the PSO disc for authenticity (sp¿) and then loads up the GCN game from the PC. I dunno if that made any sense at all, but basically it's just streamed to the GCN system.
No one has managed to get a PC to read a GC disc directly. All rips have been done with a BBA or with a hacked apart GC hooked up to a PC.

Information on the GC disc format seems a bit scarce. I've heard theories along the lines of the disc spinning in the opposite direction or the spiral starting from the outside of the disc. Apparently the people behind the freloader disc were able to figure it out, but the general public is unaware as to what they did to make a bootable disc.
The Cube discs spin in the same direction as normal CDs, easily verifiable by opening the lid. I haven't followed the GC scene in a while, but IIRC the "starts reading from the outside of the disc" was shown to be incorrect and the whole thing started by the fact that the read head seeks to the outer edge of the disc before actually starting reading (from the inner edge).

All DC, Xbox, PS2, GC piracy posts will follow by a ban!
The discs don't spin backwards, the spiral does go from the outside in (opposite to cd and regular dvd), the drive uses a dvd spec laser and groove size and the discs contain no traditional leadin or leadout info. As well as a custom file system.
Originally posted by jeff-20@Dec 18, 2003 @ 11:18 PM

Nintendo is so paranoid.

Wrong. I don't know how all these theories arise such as the game spinning in the opposite direction or the game being read from outside in. It's simply a different format - not cd, not dvd. Therefore it can't be read by CD or DVD drives. Same goes with DC. DC games are GD-ROMS, and GCN games are ??-ROMS. Since nobody has found the name for the discs, I think I'll just refer to them as custom discs.

And by the way, I think most of you guys are missing the single most important thing Nintendo did to prevent piracy - use small discs so IF their games got copied they wouldn't be able to fit in the GCN anyway!