Samurai Shodown?

How is Samurai Shodown on 3do compared to the other ports and the neogeo cd and aes version? Is it worth getting a 3do for? How bout other 2d fighting games or neogeo ports? Is the controller good for fighting games?


I heard the port was pretty good -- much better than the other console ports.

Haven't played it personally though

Here's a review from the VG Critic (I recommend his site):

Samurai Shodown (Crystal Dynamics 1993) A-


This was one of the better fighting games spawned by the 2D fighter epidemic of the early 90s. Samurai Shodown has got to be one of the most beautiful games I’ve ever laid eyes on. The colors and rich and vivid, and the Street Fighter-style graphics look fantastic. There are 12 very interesting characters to choose from, and they all brandish swords or other sharp weapons. The game plays much like Street Fighter 2, with three kicks, three punches and an assortment of special moves. One unique feature is how the screen scales out when the fighters are spread apart, but this gimmick really doesn’t add anything to the gameplay. The gorgeous backgrounds are Asian-inspired, and none of the voice dialogue has been translated, which is probably for the better. I had a great time playing this game. There’s some slow-down, but the action and animation is very entertaining. Unfortunately, the six-button controller is not supported, and you need to hold a shoulder button to activate your kicks. It works fine. Samurai Shodown impressed me. It made me wish ALL 3DO games were in 2D!
it's not really THAT great. the load time is awful (as with most 3DO games), and the sound is kind of annoying. the graphics are pretty crisp for the 3DO, anyway, and the scaling effect is cool. that's all i think.
It is pretty, but the load times are annoying ( as with ANY other game ) It's a classic game that every 3d0 owner should have .. Sitting right next to my copy of Escape From Monster Mansion and Space Hulk !
Originally posted by racketboy@May 7, 2003 @ 03:11 PM

I heard the port was pretty good -- much better than the other console ports.

Haven't played it personally though

Here's a review from the VG Critic (I recommend his site):

Samurai Shodown (Crystal Dynamics 1993) A-


This was one of the better fighting games spawned by the 2D fighter epidemic of the early 90s. Samurai Shodown has got to be one of the most beautiful games I’ve ever laid eyes on. The colors and rich and vivid, and the Street Fighter-style graphics look fantastic. There are 12 very interesting characters to choose from, and they all brandish swords or other sharp weapons. The game plays much like Street Fighter 2, with three kicks, three punches and an assortment of special moves. One unique feature is how the screen scales out when the fighters are spread apart, but this gimmick really doesn’t add anything to the gameplay. The gorgeous backgrounds are Asian-inspired, and none of the voice dialogue has been translated, which is probably for the better. I had a great time playing this game. There’s some slow-down, but the action and animation is very entertaining. Unfortunately, the six-button controller is not supported, and you need to hold a shoulder button to activate your kicks. It works fine. Samurai Shodown impressed me. It made me wish ALL 3DO games were in 2D!

I am proud to say I own this excellent game for the 3do and yes it is much much better then the console versions this one is just about arcade perfect. I still sometimes play this excellent game alone with the wonderful super street fighter 2 turbo on my 3do.
I like it better than the neo cd version.You have the option to fight without weapons.

It also loads faster than the neo cd version.
Samaui Showdown... hmm.. i played it a few years ago when i had borrowed my friends 3do(i had never played the system before that time).. he had tons of games but i think that one besides the fighting game with the white zombie music..was one of them i played most.. its good .. i liked it . i think i remember the load time a pain,but i guess it could be worse (remember the sega cd?? ouch!!)..but i guess thats whatcha get at the time.. its not bad try it if you liked the arcade... if not well dont. ;)
Besides the load time, how does the 3DO version compare to the Sega CD version?

The 3DO version has the scaling affect while the Sega CD verison doesn't, but I assume the Sega CD verison supports 6-button controls. I'm a bit worried about gamplay with the "hold-sholder button to kick" style of controls on the 3DO.

Is it more fun to play enough with 6 button to make up for the slower load time, no scaling, and less colors of the Sega CD, or is the controls not that bad and the 3DO version is way better?

Is the sound any different on the two?

