Sanyo CD board Saturn (without pc trap) mod

Hi, I'm new here and I've got a white japanese saturn and would like to mod it with one of jandamans mod boards. I've read pretty much anything regarding the mod of a saturn with a sanyo cd board without pc trap on this forum.

I've found two users that have done it.

Here is a quote from one of them:

I have discovered a solution to make the mod work.

The Sanyo drive uses 16 Mhz instead of 8 Mhz.

On the drive's bottomside you can still see where

the 8 Mhz component was meant to be mounted.

I simply attached the blue cable to the solder pad

that goes to pin 7 on the Sanyo chip nearby. Power

cable went to 2nd power supply pin from the TOP.

Blue cable goes to A. As I have a HST-0019 Saturn,

I jumpered 0019 on the mod.

And now, everything works fine. biggrin.gif

I hope this information is helpful for all people

who have troubles with Sanyo drives.

The blue cable attached to a solder pad, that goes to the seventh pin?

Could anyone show me on the following pic, where exactely that would be? Or from where do I have to count the pins (I've already located the sanyo chip on the underside of the cd board, but I don't know where this solder pad is located.. yeah, I don't really know much about soldering^^')

In conclusion, my only real problem now is that I don't know the exaxt position, where to solder the blue cable on the underside of the sanyo cd board.

I would be really thankful if anyone could mark the exact position of the solder pad and seventh pin on the following pic.

here's the pic of the sanyo cd board (sanyo chip located in the middle):


and another one, a little further away:

I don't remember too well...


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But which thread do you mean? The one where my first quote comes from or the thread where you said, that you've done it? But I couldn't find any other useful information and all the pictures were dead. Have I overlooked something?

Anyway, I'm pretty optimistic, that you've marked the right pin, cause the line from the pin goes to a silver dot named JA108 or something like that (I think this "silver dot" is a "solder pad" but I don't really know, my english is not the best and I'm new to soldering, so if it's not, then pls correct me) and then there's a dotted line to a solder pad? marked "8MHZ".

The quote in my first post referred to this I think:

The Sanyo drive uses 16 Mhz instead of 8 Mhz.

On the drive's bottomside you can still see where

the 8 Mhz component was meant to be mounted.

I simply attached the blue cable to the solder pad

that goes to pin 7 on the Sanyo chip nearby.

I've marked the lines going to pin 7 and to the nearby solder pads on the following picture.

As I don't really want to solder the blue cable directly to the pin (it's soo small, I'm not good enough with soldering for this task) I'd like to solder it to the solder pad. But which one? Is the one I marked with a red arrow okay or should I use the JA108 one?

Can you remember to which pad you soldered the blue cable or did you solder it directly to the pin?

here's the pic:
