saturn cd protection code

I wish to make a fishing game, (trust me it won't be as simple as it sound)

not your basic catch a fish and smile game but I won't get into too much details about it for now.

Besides that I have about 100 game ideal for the saturn.

What I want to do when I finish is have a game that plays on a regular saturn without the need of a modchip. I want to supply the world with new

saturn titles of my ideals,giving saturn a good name and also making a little money from it.

To do this I need discs that would allow the saturn to boot off it and run.

This have been ask before, how to defeat the saturn protection code?

It must be possible or how else are we able to play street fighter,lost world, solar eclispe,tomb raider,sonic r, astal, virtua cop,virtua fighter etc ?

sega and third party companies had over come this obstical

many time or we wouldn't be able to play their games. But the question is


A special cd burner? Or do they order special discs from sega? Either way

I belived in defeating the saturn protect code anyway possible. To understand how to defeat the protection code is to understand

sega and the third party companies, how did they defeat the protection code?

Many times I may add.
Welcome at this board, Coolgame!

I do very much appreciate your enthusiam to create new homebrew content for SEGA Saturn. Unlike others, I don't get angry when people talk about money, but you should be aware that in no way you can really earn money from that.

Well, the CD copy protection is something that I don't talk about anymore, as it does not seem to ever get solved and it would support piracy, too.

But I can tell you, that you can create cartridge based games which boot from any unmodified Saturn.

You can even ship the cart with a CD containing CDDA and data, because the CD security check is inactive when no IP.BIN is present on the CD.

Keep your focus on one (or at least: very few) Saturn project to be able to finish it.

Good luck!
Somebody had some success reading the security area with this tool:

IIRC, it lets you read the EFM codes directly. The problem is then creating a cd-image which burns the security code to the correct location. That may be impossible with conventional cd-burners. Search the board, there was a long thread about this some time ago.
don't worry about the protection, worry about your game. i suggest you get antime's or bart's link script, crt0 file (i'll release a much better link script as soon as i fix the crt0 script!), a compiler, and a decent text editor to start on your game. you can't use the sgl, sbl libraries because you want to make money off of your game. i don't see anything wrong with using the documentation... good luck, you got a long long road ahead of you!
there's 3rd party system disc but I believe it's designed for Dev saturn - well it works on my CartDev saturn but haven't tried on retails saturn.

otherwise if someone can somehow ontained blank CD-R with the secuity ring in place maybe...
dont hold this to me, nor can i find the info i was looking for and saw earlier but I was reading some of the sega dev docs for saturn. They mention something about the security between tracks defined by the ip... or something to that effect. I am prob talking out of my @$$ here. Maybe there is a simpler way? I will have another look later when I have more time... right now time for serenty movie


well i found the text i was looking for and as you can prob tell I was talking nonsense.

The IP consists of the boot code and the application initial program. The boot code consists of an ID code for the game name, a security code supplised by Sega and an area code. The application inital program is positioned immediately after the area code and is executed immediately after the area code is excuted. Thereafter, the program proceeds under control of the application.

That was in one of the SGL documents on page 456 (the pdf number). It lists details on how to create the IP are provided in "Boot System" in the Programmer's Guide. Usin a custom ip and everything is there any way of tricking the saturn into thinking a hacked or other security code is legit and unlocking or are we positive that the outter ring of the disk is for sure the brick wall that stands in our way. me ==:bs?