Saturn price suggestion

I'm buying a saturn from a friend of a friend, and I was wondering what I could pay to get a fair deal. This is a part of his email describing it:

"I think it works (haven't used it for a while)

a few games: theme park, sega rally, virtua fighter, fifa 97, command & conquer, two control pads"

I'm in Australia, but an estimate in US dollars is fine, I can convert it.

None of the games are attractive to ME... Maybe I was spoiled by Rally Cross for PSX.... Well, a Saturn is a Saturn, and if one presents itself.....
Quote: from brak61 on 6:24 pm on Mar. 8, 2002

Aussie,aussie,aussie. Sorry yeah you can pick one up from a cash convertors for around $49 with controller.

Oi! Oi! Oi! :biggrin:

Yeah AU$50 sound about right.
Thanks, I bought it before I saw all of your replies, but I paid fifty bucks, we both thought it was a pretty good price. I don't care about the games, I'll download the ones I want.

Or you could buy the games like everyone else. People who get a Saturn just to pirate are so lame. People who sell rare games ect on Ebay lose money because of lame people who get a system just for "Warez". If you can't afford games, you don't steal them in a store, so buy your own.
People who sell rare games ect on Ebay lose money because of lame people who get a system just for "Warez".

And the morons on eBay who try to make everything into "L@@K! RARE COLLECTIBLE!" aren't lame? Those folks are half the reason that I download Saturn games - no sense in depriving a True Collector of the opportunity to spend $150 on Radiant Silvergun...
Really, what is the difference between buying a game second hand, and downloading it? Either way, Sega and the original game creators don't see a penny of the profit. One might argue that 'pirating' old games is actually more ethical than paying money to someone who doesn't hold the rights to the games he sells.

Personally, I prefer the original boxed version where possible, but there is no point spending a fortune on a 'rare' title - especially when the proceeds just go to some lamer who is making money of someone else's intellectual property.
Trenton Net:

I don't know where you live, but in Australia, particularly in Tasmania (small island state where I live) only a handful of games were released. Same with the Mega CD. I paid $800 for a Mega CD when it first came out and it's the worst mistake I ever made. It's the worst mistake most mega cd owners made, but here, where we had the choice of about fifteen games it was bloody ridiculous. I'm now trying to make that $800 worth it, and I don't really care what Sega think. They've abandoned the gamers three times now (four if you include the 32x) so I've lost any loyalty I had for them.

It costs me $1 to download 4meg anyway, so I pay a fair bit just for downloading them.

Oh well.
No offence (Respect to all), but how can you rationalize things like that? For instance, granted people on Ebay sell items for quite a lot of money, but in all fairness, it is their game and they can sell it at a price they want.

This is the same way, a place like future shop has the right to sell old discontinued items, but still at normal prices. Sure, it seems odd or unfair but they have the right to do so. At that same token, you don't see people walking in and stealing items do you?

The original creators of a product still own rights to their software. If they wanted to release a "Value-Pack" it is within their rights to do so, and by pirating you are taking some of their hard work away. In that same manner, for those who wish to sell old items, you are taking their rights away. Every time you pirate a game like "Radiant Silvergun" you take another persons chance and right to sell it the legal and right way. In every respect as well as moral. This incudes new and unopened games still being sold in asia.

I feel for those who spend alot of money on things that don't seem like good choices, but to be honest, those are your decisions and your problems. Thats life!Otherwise, by your logic, that would give me the right to go steal a car, because when I bought my car it looked cool, but the manufacture discontinued it and all parts for it.

ExCyber, Im sure you program often. If anyone should be a strong supporter about protecting intelectual property, it should be you. 🙂 This is another programmers hard work, time, and money being stolen by others.
As far as I know, they still sell new saturn games in asia, just the way playstation games are still sold in north amarica. So I think it makes the "not sold anymore" point invalid.

I also agree with the fact that people who justify copying games because they can't aford them are wrong. Mainly because in the most simple genaric terms that means if one can't afford something, its ok to steal.

And this logic is clearly wrong...
There is no market where I live for Saturn merchandise, that's what makes it hard to get bona fide games. I will buy games from Asia if they are PAL compatible because frankly I prefer a boxed original. I had no idea they were still for sale anywhere. Would somebody like to point me in the direction of some safe internet retailers?

Playstation games still sell very well even where I live, by the way. Sony are a great bunch when it comes to gaming. I have a playstation 1 with many games and have never played copies.
it is their game

It's not their game, it's their copy of the game.

they can sell it at a price they want.

And I can choose to not buy it.

At that same token, you don't see people walking in and stealing items do you?

Theft is a quite different issue, which is why it's covered under completely different laws. No matter how strongly some people believe otherwise, there are intrinsic differences between tangible property and intellectual property.

In that same manner, for those who wish to sell old items, you are taking their rights away.

The original publisher could "take away their rights" too, by reissuing the game at a reasonable price. Would that be immoral? How about if someone else managed to obtain many copies at a very low price and started selling them for $2 each?

Every time you pirate a game like "Radiant Silvergun" you take another persons chance and right to sell it the legal and right way.

How? They can still sell it after I've got my copy.

Otherwise, by your logic, that would give me the right to go steal a car, because when I bought my car it looked cool, but the manufacture discontinued it and all parts for it."

This is not my logic at all. I'm not sure where you got the idea that it is. As I said, theft is a different issue.

ExCyber, Im sure you program often. If anyone should be a strong supporter about protecting intelectual property, it should be you.

At this point I think it's only fair to say that I don't make my living through programming. I also think it's a fallacy to say that one must do so in order to have a valid opinion on the subject of copyright.

I believe that authors should be compensated for their work. I also believe that the current implementation of copyright has serious moral and practical flaws. Believe it or not, these two beliefs are not contradictory.

As far as I know, they still sell new saturn games in asia

I'll keep that in mind for the next time I happen to be in the area.

I also agree with the fact that people who justify copying games because they can't aford them are wrong. Mainly because in the most simple genaric terms that means if one can't afford something, its ok to steal.

But a distinction can (and IMO should) be made. Morality usually isn't in "the most simple generic terms". For example, it's common to believe that killing someone is wrong, but it's also common to believe that it is not wrong (or at least not worthy of punishment) under some conditions. It's common to believe that it's not wrong to kill non-human animals for food. It's even more common to believe that it's not wrong to kill plants for food.

Anyway, others have constructed arguments stating that the current system of copyright is immoral. Here's an example, from infamous anti-copyright guy Richard Stallman:

To get an idea of what it's like to obstruct the use of a program, let's imagine that we had a sandwich, that you could eat, and it wouldn't be consumed. You could eat it, and another person could eat it, the same sandwich, any number of times, and it would always remain just as nourishing as originally.

The best thing to do, the thing that we ought to do with this sandwich is carry it around to the places where there are hungry people; bringing it to as many mouths as possible, so that it feeds as many people as possible. By all means, we should not have a price to eat from this sandwich, because then people would not afford to eat it, and it would be wasted.

The program is like this sandwich, but even more so because it can be in many different places at once being eaten, used by different people one after the other. It is as if this sandwich was enough to feed everyone, everywhere, forever, and that were not allowed to happen, because someone believed he should own it.

This is not to say that I agree with everything Stallman has to say, but I think it's at least worth considering.
Quote: from Cecilia Chen on 4:53 pm on Dec. 8, 2001

Although im sure you have alot of games, I doubt anyone has them all. I have quite alot since Pirate disks are so cheap, but even I don't have them all.

I don't collect UK/US games because most of them are just poor in quality. So practicly all my games are HK/JAP/CN, and they all are chinese silvers.

I have too many to write by far, and I don't even look at game lists anymore because I already have 98% of them, catagorized, in binders, with the inserts/covers showing what each disk is.

In a funny way, I suppose I could open my own pirate store🙂

Hypocrite #1

Quote: from Trenton_net on 5:04 pm on Dec. 8, 2001

Heh, ya... Chinese silvers are so darn cheap! I have loads and loads of asian games I got over the years from local Game Shops.

In comparison, it makes the game lists in the FTP section look like an absolute joke. I'd start an FTP since I have a new server with 180GB of space, but I calculated it, and even then with such capacity, I can only have maybe 200 to 300 SS games max.

Hypocrite #2

Or are silvers a different story?
One can argue for for any side even if they beleave it or not, just the same way lawyers do. In this case I just decided I felt in a anti-piracy mood 🙂 LOL
Uh #### ya. I kinda figured that since you pirate so much CC. Hehe.

ExCyber --> Just another friendly comment/question. Lets assume everything you said is agreeable and fine. 🙂 Why do we ban DC ISO trading here? If we agree with your points, wouldn't that mean copying (Pirating) is ok? Although Saturn and Dreamcast hardware/software is still sold all over asia, people seem to think it dosn't count as being supported (At least in Can/US) so since nether is being supported shouldn't that lump DC in the same catagory as the SS?

Thanks a bunch, I really appreciate your time and effort!

(Edited by Trenton net at 4:48 pm on Mar. 9, 2002)
I decided to pick up a 2nd hand saturn and well scooped as I got a saturn and 6 games for £15 from a friend at uni, then I went looking for joypads and went home woth an analogue pad for £6 a normal official pad for £4 a 8mb (i think, it says 8000 free space) backup cart also £4 and a gun for £5.

Just ordered my mod board shouldnt be too long and my mate will do the soldering for me. Better hurry up as Im gettin fed up disc swapping.
Lets assume everything you said is agreeable and fine.

Anything in the interest of friendly discussion. 🙂

Why do we ban DC ISO trading here? If we agree with your points, wouldn't that mean copying (Pirating) is ok? Although Saturn and Dreamcast hardware/software is still sold all over asia, people seem to think it dosn't count as being supported (At least in Can/US) so since nether is being supported shouldn't that lump DC in the same catagory as the SS?

In terms of whatever moral significance you attach to "abandonware", I think they'd be the same. In practical terms, allowing DC trading would probably cause a lot of problems for SX due to the number of people still currently out there who would want to download DC games but lack the initiative to scan through the FTP board for the FTPs. It might also be more likely to provoke unwanted legal attention, despite the fact that Saturn games are still under copyright as well. On the plus side, it might get Ice to rename the "Miscellaneous" section to something more informative...
Since it appears both DC and SS software are under copyright protection, why do people still justify their actions by saying stealing is ok (Since they can't aford to do otherwise), expecialy when laws clearly say otherwise?

(Edited by Trenton net at 7:06 pm on Mar. 9, 2002)