Saturn Resets After Booting the Cdr

I burnt Assault Suits Leynos 2 and i have managed to get it to boot up and it does the following....

After the "Sega - Produced by or Under license from...." screen it goes to a "now loading" screen for a few moments. Then a black screen with some unreadable Kanji comes up, as soon as i press a or start it resets back to the main sega bios/cd player screen.

What have i done wrong?

I'm not certain about this particular game, but maybe it needs either a 1 or 4Mb expansion card to be in place? Perhaps you need more free system memory...
I think it's probably the latter. Try using the memory manager to free up some save space.
I know the game doesn't need any expansion RAM.

But I wonder if it was burnt from a raw-mode image -> bad sectors? -> unable to load all the code?
Taelon: If it wasn't able to load up all the code, I doubt it'd leave an error message to say so

I agree with Mal on this one. Try freeing up your system memory. I couldn't play radiant silvergun cuz of it....
Like people said, it's probably the free memory space problem, but you don't need to erase anything to play it. If it's really the problem, when this message shows up you can just hit a buttom in the controller that it'll load the game normally (I don't remember if it was the start or the A buttom), but of course you won't be able to save.
Well thanks for the help guys, it turned out to be the system memory after all, I knew it wasnt a ram problem as i have a 4mb cart plugged in almost all the time, and it wasnt a bad burn either as it was booting up into the loading screen and everything.

Originally posted by slinga@May 30, 2003 @ 01:36 PM

Taelon: If it wasn't able to load up all the code, I doubt it'd leave an error message to say so

Well, one time when my Dreamcast's GD-ROM drive was in its death throes (and I was playing Vanishing Point nonetheless), I started a race, it showed the "accessing data" screen, remained there for minutes, then gave me a red background and "Cannot read disc, try cleaning it." If a DC game can do that, sure a Saturn game can, too. Geez, it was just a thought, anyway.
Guess Taelon is right

Shining Force 3 on the saturn does that... I remember a scenario3 rip that hanged around on the ftps displayed an error msg in the very first batlle scene.. it was a bad rip

Sometimes.. taelon is right