Hello, as a regulat viewer of this site I have myself got round to attempting to burn ISO's onto cd's to make copies of my exsisting cds (some of my games are second hand and not in very good condition so I wish to copy them onto cd so as not to have to use the originals and eep them in good condition), I burned it, and then tried it with ages and it ran perfectly (sonic cd, pal version) on my pc, however when I tried to use it on my mega cd it just wouldnt work, im new to this, so am i doing something wrong, I know the mega cd's and all systems have a unique code for each country, but I just copied the cd, now I know the mega cd wont read copies straight off, is there something I can download so I can burn my games onto cd-rs and just play them on my mega cd as normal or is this curently impossible!! please help me!!!