Sega Model one


Mid Boss
I got somthing 7 of these mother boards and only one says what the game is virtual fighter .

I want to make a loom to jamma Im reading the schematics right now and what I dont understand is that I dont see the ground for the controllers .
I'm pretty sure that I've got a VF manual somewhere - I'll see if I can find it.
ok thanks i have a manual I was reading it but on inspection I found that they dont match and its for virtual fighter two .

So that manual will help mal thanks .
Would you believe that the one I have is VF 2 as well? :damn:

I do, however, have a Virtua Racing manual. It's at work (so that means that it's a day away) but I hope we'll be able to sort your problem using it's schematics.

ok so ive guess ive got

virtua fighter 1@2 I need to figure out how to make a loom for the virtua fighter one I dont know wht im going to do with the vitua fighter 2 it looks as though it needs 3 volts .

The writing on the schematics of virtua racer are way to small
It certainly should be possible, as long as you have a dual res or medium res monitor.

Was it the ground for the controllers that you were after?