Sega Releases Worms!


Staff member
Sega will be releasing a Worms game for the XBOX, PS2, and PC at fourth quarter this year! Worms Fort Under Seige will be it's title. Gotta love those worm games!

Images here.

Thanks to the Magic Box for the news.
I'm not _really_ complaining, but the game looks just like Worms 3D, and I do dislike it when game companies release what is essentially an 'update' for full price.
I think there will be differences in the games. Looks aren't everything. Plus Sega is just publishing it, they didn't make the game. Although I bet if they did make a worms game it would be rad!
No, no, and no. Worms can only be done by Team 17. We're talking about the legendary Team 17, for crying out loud!