Kuta said:The redirection works fine for me.
antime said:Works fine with Firefox (6.0) here.
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antime said:Because I've got nothing better to do, I tested on the following:
Firefox 6 (OS X) and 5 (Fedora 15)
Chrome 13.0.782.215 (OS X, Windows 7)
Konqueror 4.6.5 (Fedora 15)
Safari 5.1 (OS X)
Internet Explorer 9 (Windows 7)
The redirect worked everywhere.
Chilly Willy said:Finally works here... I guess it was a DNS issue. The Qwest DNS servers do this a few times every year.
dibz said:I'm changing the nameservers today, with luck there will be less problems. Unless I managed to break something, this change should be entirely transparent.
Since the track record leans towards terrible breakage, just a heads up!