Shenmue Online Update

I heard about this a while ago, but now we're seeing some screens of the work in progress. The idea of Shenmue as a MMORPG seems like a great scheme. I pray that it comes to the states, and hopefully the wont cost an arm and a leg to play (hoping it's free cuz I had to recently get rid of my Hunter's License from cutbacks) So here's an update for you all. I just have to say before you see the screens "I wouldn't have my asian hookers looking any other way haha."


Trailer It's been a while since I've seen a kickass Sega trailer

Official Website
eh...I dunno. Could be cool but I am a lil skeptical "pay 10 bucks a month and do stuff that you can do in real life with millions of people!"
I hope this comes to the US and is awesome.... if it comes here I will sign up and play... I just hope I get that chance.