Shining Tears Info


Staff member
More information on Sega's new Shining Force game: Shining Tears!

The story takes place in the contient of Entias, in which different races live peacefully together. The hero is a 17 year old magic fencer Xion, followed by a number of companions and rivals, include a 117 year old elf hunter Elwing, 17 year old priest Ryuna, 45 year old wolfman Volg, 19 year old samurai Keiner and 38 year old horseman Cheiron.

The battles are fought in troops, you can send up to two troops to battle. During the battle, you control the lead character Xion, while the other characters are controlled by the computer. You can give different orders and tactics to your team through a Force Link System, by using the R1 and R2 buttons. A second player can also control the second troop manually.


More images here. Thanks go to the Magic Box for the news.
Originally posted by racketboy@May 1, 2004 @ 06:51 PM

Looks stylish 🙂

me likes

no I just have to wait for a PS2 emulator 🙁

Looks Ys's-ish. Although, I love Ys's.. Shining Force is supposed to be a non-realtime strategy game, and from those pics, I can tell it's something else...
This isn't a Shining Force game. It's more along the lines of Shining Wisdom or Shining Soul.
Hence why it's missing the "Force" part. Anyway, as long as its not Wisdom-esque, it could be fun, especially with 2 players. It doesn't look anything like Wisdom, thankfully.
Thta new battle system innovation could be quite promising, Force-ey or not, I'm looking forward to it. Reminds me of Dragon Force in some twisted round-about way.
Let's just hope it's not another FF Crystal Chronicles.

I was let down by the dungeon-crawl gameplay.

I guess you can slap a trademark name on anything these days to get it to sell. :sarcasm: