Should I get one of these fake car alarm things?

I think you should buy like 10 of them, and install them all over. Maybe get like 6 more and put a bunch in your steering wheel. Those criminals will take one look and just start running. :smash
Originally posted by Gallstaff@Jul 19, 2004 @ 08:03 PM

I don't think that anyone would want to steal your carolla, but it's only 5 bucks. Go for it.

actually, it's a nice car.

but I'm worried about the stuff I'm moving inside of it.

BTW, I have had my CD player stolen out of that car before.
Originally posted by racketboy@Jul 19, 2004 @ 03:22 PM

actually, it's a nice car.

but I'm worried about the stuff I'm moving inside of it.

I don't think a blinking light is going to stop a smash and grab. It's like those covers that pull over the stuff in your trunk that some cars have. Because if you cover up your stuff, no one could possibly think there was anything valuable back there... 🙄
If it brings you any peace of mind, then yes.

Personally I wouldn't bother. No-one here seems to give a damn if an alarm is going off, so they're not that great a deterrent in the first place.
Originally posted by mal@Jul 20, 2004 @ 03:39 AM

If it brings you any peace of mind, then yes.

Personally I wouldn't bother. No-one here seems to give a damn if an alarm is going off, so they're not that great a deterrent in the first place.

That's true. What the heck is the point of car alarms if people just get used to them going off all the time when cars aren't being stolen?? Nobody pays it any heed unless it goes on for too long and gets on their nerves.
Yup. And by that time the thief is already gone. I was actually hanging out with my roomate once in my old apartment... I said 'is that your alarm going off?' (car was right out front). He said 'nah...'; turned out it was and his stereo and a few other things got jacked. Also, even though I live right next to the main police station here, no one pays any attention to the things. They're only really useful if you're the owner of the car and you're in range, and a fake alarm won't really help you with that. If I were you, I'd just put your valuable stuff in the trunk.
Originally posted by it290@Jul 20, 2004 @ 04:00 PM

Yup. And by that time the thief is already gone. I was actually hanging out with my roomate once in my old apartment... I said 'is that your alarm going off?' (car was right out front). He said 'nah...'; turned out it was and his stereo and a few other things got jacked. Also, even though I live right next to the main police station here, no one pays any attention to the things. They're only really useful if you're the owner of the car and you're in range, and a fake alarm won't really help you with that. If I were you, I'd just put your valuable stuff in the trunk.

yeah i will be putting most of the valuable stuff in the Camry which has an alarm. But I don't know about putting my PC in the trunk. maybe -- we'll see.

But if they break into the car, they can pop the trunk too.
Originally posted by racketboy@Jul 20, 2004 @ 04:05 PM

But if they break into the car, they can pop the trunk too.

Not my car :hehehe:. My trunk release button (in the glove box) won't operate with the car off, so they'd have to hotwire the car, too. I'm not saying that's really hard, but the kind of people that would break into that car are probably not that talented.
If I saw one of those things in someone's car, I probably wouldn't think it was some kind of alarm. IF I noticed it.
Firstly, a car alarm should have a variable horn. I had one that you could hear from several blocks away, and never sounds the same twice (and makes people notice).

Second, try an LCD car alarm (with the remote pagers). They don't get massive range, but it's useful to see if it's your car alarm going off.

I'm a personal fan of Code Alarm.