Site moved and upgraded!


Staff member
Still ironing some kinks out, the wiki and such isn't lost; I just have work in the morning. :auto:
Very nice. I like the Segata Sanshiro avatars.

The auto-sizing of images to fit the width of the post is neat. I just had to remove the size parameter from the IMG tags as only the text was showing instead of the image.
Site looks great. Wonderful job. Are the mods still the same only staff member listed is you dibz?
Good catch, no, I shouldn't be the only one. I'll look in a bit.

Looks like I can edit your post -Amon
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I'm having an issue regarding posting FTP links (thanks djcouchycouch for pointing this out). It would appear that the colon is dropped for some reason from the URL (instead of it being ftp://, it becomes ftp//).

As an example:

For now, I can remove the hyperlink, but if it can be fixed that would be appreciated.
There was something screwy with my Firefox. When trying to open the forum main page ( the log clearly showed that it opened the site main page instead. Clearing the browser cache seems to have helped. The odd thing is that it's the second time this has happened, the first time whatever it was went away by itself after a day or so.
That sounds like a cached redirect, browsers actually cache 301 redirects too so it disappearing after a day on it's own makes sense.
So vbt was kind enough to change my password so I could log in so please ignore my message to you using the contact us feature. I never did receive a forgotten password email though. Also the contact us feature will not send if you put in a name that matches a username

With regards to the FTP links they were showing up as http://ftp/
Blah, totally forgot about that problem when I upgraded the board with the FTP stuff.