Space Invaders Parlors; Japan 1979


I am really trying to find some footage of when space invaders was released in Japan in 1979, particulary of the Space Invaders Parlors that were created due to the game. If anybody can think of any TV shows, downloads etc that i could contact the authors of it would be great.

Any commercils to would be great!

I wouldn't mind see this as well...

Space Invaders was so popular in Japan, that is cause a national coin shortage! :lol:
Hey cloud, the BBC aired a program named "I love 1978" and they had some footage. All i have to do now is find someone with it so i can digitize it.
VH1 has the same shit. Go to their website and I think u can buy em on DVD, not sure though. If not, you could prob. contact em and but that episode for 20-30 bucks or so.
Gallsatff, i will have to find the link that told me about it, but i went to the BBC site and they didnt have anything either under i love 1978.