square say sorry to nintendo

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i would add some REAL comments, but i think i would get flamed too much, since i really dont care for pure RPGs. As far as they do go though, i would have to say the older final fantasies are WAAAY better than the new ones, though i lost interest and never got close to playing through any of them.
Whats lame about Square making games for Nintendo consoles?

Even if you don't like Square games... its good news for Nintendo owners that do and even better news for people who might be debating buying a Cube or an XBox... makes the choice a lot easier 🙂

Have you even played the 'cube? Its easily one of the coolest consoles in my collection (18).

I haven't had the chance to play XBox yet so I can't compare it to that, but it beats the hell out of the PS2.

And in terms of software you can't really beat Star Fox Adventures, Eternal Darkness, Resident Evil, Zelda, Metroid, Soul Calibur 2 and Phantasy Star Online.

the gamecube is the best and i hope that sony loses all of the best it has and it goes to the cube the 64 went to hell i think xenosaga would do nice on the gamecube

and to the people that think the god like zelda game is goning to the ps2 think again the man who made zelda is the ceo of nintendo and it would be retarded to just kill nintendo like that

sony has screwed nintendo for the last time they take everything from nintendo like for instance just a few

the final fantasys

harvest moon (left sony and sold out again)

chrono trigger (damn square, the best game ever but cool anime sceens)

chrono cross (i think it should of been for the 64 )
Just to let you all know, Square is developing for GCN and GBA. They are making a whole new FF game that we know of and will prob make more if the game sells good. and BTW, Metroid Prime WILL be better than Super Metroid. Atleast that's my opinion, guess we will just have to wait and see. I wanna see Chrono Trigger re-released onto the GBA. Who's with me?
Well, im worried that Metroid Prime wont have the same "feeling" that the previous Metroid games had, due to the conversion from 2D to 3D. But then again thats the same thing people were worried about before Zelda: OoT came out, and after it was released, most people thought it did justice to the series. So who knows, maybe Nintendo will get it right and MP will be a worthy addition to the series like Zelda: OoT was.
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