Super-multi-play weird behavoir

I have one of those Super Multi Play adapters that supports both the 4-player and 5-player types.

I was working find before, but now it's behaving really weird.

Any controller that's plugged into port 1 shows up as having all the buttons depressed (using the pad test from Colums III). Whenever you push a button, it shows up as unpressed. So basically, all the buttons are completely inverted. Push and on-screen shows it as off, release and on-screen shows it as on.

Amy controller that's plugged into port 2 shows up as having the C button and DOWN pressed. These buttons do not change if you push them, unlike the previous port. They always show as being pressed no matter what.

Is this weird or what? The controllers are fine. Everything works if you don't use the adapter.

And yes, I've tried every combination of both teh 4-player and 5-player plugs and mode1/2 switch.

I bought another one at Game Crazy, and it's also dead. I'd recommending avoiding the Performance brand multiplayer. I think it's life expectancy is up. I'm hoping I can find an official sega one.
I'd recommend avoiding Performance / Interact brand anything, except for the PSX Gameshark 1.x and 2.x.

As for the problem you're having, it sounds like it could be a broken connection, but even if that's it I couldn't tell you where it is without poking around inside the thing with a multimeter.